Did you know that February is Pie Month? I didn’t until recently. So of course, I decided to make a Pie Book Tag. Yum!
I picked 15 different pies and tried to find a way to connect them with bookish themes. Let me know how I did.
Let’s get started!

Apple Pie-Historical Fiction
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
This great book is set in 1940s England and France. The 2 main characters both start with something to prove both to themselves and to others around them. One is a pilot, the other a spy. What happens when they make a late night flight to France to help the Resistance? I will just say that I don’t think I could have easily done what either of them did.
Pumpkin Pie-Cozy, Autumn Read
The Whole Town’s Talking by Fannie Flagg
I just find Fannie Flagg’s writing style cozy, and comfortable to read. Her characters feel familiar, especially if you’ve read some of her other books as they may overlap. This book follows the town of Elmwood Springs, Missouri as they live, love, and die. I know it may not sound like a cozy read, but it is.
Cherry Pie-Romance
The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert
This book is set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lou owns a small restaurant, and makes a mean coconut cake. Al is a writer, who reviews restaurants to pay the bills. Neither knows who the other is when they meet, and through some misunderstandings, the relationship has it’s ups and downs. And maybe a happy ending?
Pecan Pie-Nuttiest or Funniest Read
Vinyl Café Unplugged by Stuart McLean
Stuart McLean was an amazing storyteller. If you can find any audio versions of his Vinyl Café stories, listen and you will understand what I mean. This book contains 14 short stories, some of which he shared on his CBC radio show. The stories follow Toronto residents Dave and Morley, his wife, and their family. I found the stories relatable, and funny. I actually found myself laughing out loud when reading the book. Not so good when you’re on the city bus.
Blueberry Pie-Favorite Classic
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas
I have read many classics, especially in high school. This book was one I picked up on my own to read, several years after high school. Why? Because I was intrigued by the synopsis. Long story short, it is a tale of love and jealousy and revenge. Most especially revenge, which is best served cold. Even if it is decades later!
Coconut Cream Pie-Non-Fiction
Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks by Annie Spence
Have you ever loved a book so much you wanted to write a love letter? What about breaking up with a book you once loved beyond anything? That’s exactly what Annie Spence does with this book.
Lemon Meringue Pie-Guilty Pleasure
Glory St. Clair series by Gerry Bartlett
Ok, I couldn’t pick just one of the Glory St. Clair books. There are 17 total, and while I have only read 3, I won’t say no to the other 14. I have read these out of order, which isn’t an issue. They do tend to build on one another, but there’s enough background in the books to make them standalones. These are paranormal romances, and kind of sexy to boot.
Peach Pie-Summer Read
This is a great summer read, it’s super easy to read and you will find yourself laughing quite a bit.
Chocolate Cream Pie-Contemporary
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
This was a hard book for me to decide on. I have read a lot of contemporary as of late, and quite a few have been really good. But I had to go with this one because it still comes to mind every now and then, and I read it almost 4 years ago! Ove is a bit of a curmudgeon who just wants to join his wife. Yet the universe seems to have different ideas.
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie-Mystery
Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
It was hard to pick just one mystery. I love reading Agatha Christie. She was such an amazing writer. But I had to pick one that stars my favorite detective, Hercule Poirot. With this book, Poirot was tested when confronted with the crime scene. I know I did not see the ending coming, and still can’t quite believe it ended the way it did almost 2 years after reading it.
Mincemeat Pie-Favorite Holiday Read
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Is it strange that I find this story funny? I’m not sure if it was the way the Charles Dickens always wrote, as I have not read any of this other works. But the story was not as scary as the movies all make it out to be.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie-Fantasy
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
How could I not pick the book that introduced me to Percy Jackson and Camp Half Blood? I have devoured almost every book in the Percy Jackson “universe”. That includes The Heroes of Olympus series, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series, and The Trials of Apollo (only have the last book in the Trials to left to read).
Meat Pie-Longest, Heartiest Read
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
I have read a few books that were just as long, or even longer, but none that stuck with me the same way. This was a fitting conclusion to the Harry Potter series. I could have done without all of the tears, why did so many people have to die?
Banana Cream Pie-Childhood Favorite
The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
This was one of the first books I remember reading, and rereading multiple times. I know it is also one of the first books I shared with my kids when they were little. It’s an amazing thing seeing your child’s excitement over a book that make you excited as well.
Bumbleberry Pie-YA Fiction
A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen
This is a historical fiction novel that follows Greta, a 12-year-old girl, as she attempts to reunite her family after the Berlin Wall suddenly went up one night.
What is your favorite pie? What books would you put with which pie? Let me know. If you complete the Pie Book Tag, please let me know. I would love to see your answers. Check out my other Book Tags to learn more about me.

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