Happy February y’all! Wait, how did that happen already? Seriously, what happened to January? Maybe my January flew by because of my daughter’s birthday on the 31st. No, that can’t be it, can it? There’s nothing I can do about it now, so welcome to February! Let’s check out my January 2024 reading wrap-up.

January Reading Wrap-Up & February TBR
Let’s flashback to my December Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I had planned to read in January.
- Holmes, Marple, and Poe by James Patterson, Brian Sitts
- Twenty-Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate
I finished reading Holmes, Marple, and Poe and loved it! Twenty-Seven Minutes is one that I started, but haven’t touched in about two weeks. Hopefully I can get back to it in February.
Books Read in January
This year I’m going to try something different with this part of my post. I’m going to give a one to two word review of the book. I wonder how that’s going to go. Only one way to find out!
Now let’s check out what I actually read in January 2024!
Of the seven books I finished in January, Holmes, Marple and Poe is hands-down my favorite. I honestly added to my TBR just because of the title, and I’m glad it didn’t disappoint! Another good thing that happened in January, is that I read three books I own. While that’s only a small dent in the pile, I will still take it as a win!
February TBR
I have two ARCs for February, plus the one I didn’t finish in January.
Blog Wrap-Up & Plans
In January, I published 11 blog posts with the most popular one being Holmes Marple & Poe by Patterson and Sitts: Book Review. Overall, there were five Top Ten Tuesday posts, two book reviews, and a couple of wrap-up posts.
In February, I’m hoping to publish eight blog posts. That includes four Top Ten Tuesday posts and a couple of reviews. I’m also working on a craft project that I hope to share more about in February. Here’s a little teaser for you!

Personal Stuff
January was going great until the last week or so of the month. I was overcome with a sudden anxiety attack one morning after arriving at work and it took me several days to start pulling out of the doom and gloom feelings it left me with. I’m still not at 100%, but I am trying not to beat myself up over it. It’s not an easy process, as I haven’t consumed more than 40 pages of a book with my eyes in over 10 days. I’ve found it easier to listen to an audiobook randomly during the day than trying to read. It doesn’t help that there have been some changes at work that are leaving me feeling out of sorts as well. As such, I’m considering some changes.
One of the things that’s helping me pull myself out of my funk is music. This song has been playing on heavy rotation for me lately. The artist even has a song on Just Dance 2024!
I finally got around to taking a picture of the new paint color in the living room. We’re still in the process of decorating, and putting pictures back up. But I thought I would share a quick snapshot.

That is my January 2024 wrap-up and February 2024 plans. How was your January? Did you read any good books? What are your plans for February?

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.
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I didn’t see the pic of your painted room???
Not sure what happened, but I went back and fixed it. The pictures should be there now.
I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety attack! I love Banx and Ranx and don’t know many people who listen to it. Great song choice to help you work through the bad feelings! I hope next week is much better for you!
Thanks Dini! When I play that song I can’t stay still, and I can get out of my own head, even if only for a few minutes.
Even small wins are still wins when it comes to reading from our shelves! (It can be so easy to be tempted by new books!) I hope you get through this period of anxiety and work uncertainty. Neither of those is fun to deal with. But I’m glad you have music and audiobooks to help you through!
Thanks Nicole. It’s been a journey of one step forward and two back. All I can do is take it day by day.