Happy Tuesday y’all! This week Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl was kind enough to give us a holiday freebie for today’s topic. I had a couple of ideas for this, one of which I may do in a couple of weeks. The one I am sharing with you this week is a list of holiday books that don’t mention the holidays in their title.

Holiday Books That Don't Mention the Holidays in Their Title

The image will take you to Amazon for each book, and the title will take you to Goodreads. They are sorted by genre. Not all of the books are set at Christmas; some take place around New Year’s Day. A couple of these may surprise you, as they did me. But I don’t think you could go wrong with any of these!





Retellings/Historical Fiction

Middle Grade

There you have it, a list of Holiday Books With No Mention of the Holidays in Their Titles! Were there any books here that surprised you? Did you find one to add to your holiday-themed reading list for this year?

Holiday Books That Don't Mention the Holidays in Their Title

Looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my monthly reading wrap-ups.

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25 thoughts on “Holiday Books That Don’t Mention the Holidays in Their Title

  1. Fun! MR. DICKENS AND HIS CAROL is on my list today, too, as it’s one I’m hoping to get to before the year is out. We’ll see how it goes. Cozy mystery titles always make me laughโ€”CHEDDAR OFF DEAD is a great one!

    Happy TTT!


  2. This is a really unique idea for a list! I adore a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens so Iโ€™m definitely going to be checking out the two retellings of this title ๐Ÿ“šโค๏ธX x x

  3. What a fun topic! Now you have me thinking about what books I know like this. One that popped into my mind was Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey and then The Mistletoe Motive by Chloe Liese.

  4. Very fun list! I have Mutts & Mistletoe on my TTT list this week, too. And I love the mystery titles. Deck the Hounds….too funny. ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Ooh fun. I love the look of the abbott book (cozies sometimes call out to me, especially holiday cozies) and The cranberry Inn- just love that title. ๐Ÿ™‚

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