We are officially halfway through 2023! How has the time gone by so quickly? Please tell me I’m not the only one wondering where the year has gone! Today I am sharing my 2023 Mid-Year Wrap-Up. What does that mean? I’ll be giving an overview of reading for the year thus far. And it’s a check-in for any goals or challenges I set in January.

2023 Mid-Year Wrap-Up and Check-In

I mentioned all of my goals and challenges in two posts, one from December and the other from January. At the end of December, I posted a New Year’s Book Tag, which you can see here. At the beginning of January, I posted a 2022 Year-End Wrap-Up, which you can see here. This post is a compilation of those two posts, and how I’ve been doing so far this year.

Reading Stats

Books ReadPages ReadAvg PagesAudioDNF
  • Goodreads Reading Goal: 52
  • Total Number of Books Read: 52

No one is more surprised than me that I have already completed my Goodreads Goal! Sure, I could change it, but I don’t want to. I want to see if I can read another 52 books in the next six months.


5-4-3-2-1 Challenge

  • 5-Action/Spy books: 0/5
  • 4-Graphic Novels: 1/4
  • 3-Manga: 2/3
  • 2-Science Fiction: 0/2
  • 1-Classic: 0/1

I hope to get to some of these challenges as the year progresses because I don’t have as many ARCs to focus on. Do you have any suggestions for Science Fiction books for someone new to the genre?


Buzzwordathon is a reading challenge from Kayla at Books and Lala. Kayla has given a word or theme for each month. The goal is to read books with these in the title. Many of these words have become popular in recent years in book titles.

I am trying to read a book each month for the words Kayla lists for the month. So far this year, I have read 5/6 books. I’m missing the book for the word emotion (which was April’s word). I do have a book set aside for it. I just need to find the time to read it. But the past few months have been full of ARCs or heavy reads.

Blog Stats

This is the first year I think I’ve actually looked at my blogging stats and tried to see what’s working for my blog and what’s not working. Does that make sense?

That’s my 2023 Mid-Year wrap-up! How’s your 2023 shaping up? What are some goals and challenges you’re working on for the rest of the year?

2023 Mid-Year Wrap-Up and Check-In

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5 thoughts on “2023 Mid-Year Wrap-Up and Check-In

  1. My rec for science fiction is Project Hail Mary on AUDIO! You can skim over the technical science/math passages…I heard the words but didn’t strain myself to understand them! 😂 fabulous themes of friendship, daring, and sacrifice.

    1. Kayla announces her lists every year around December. I try to connect books I already have on my bookshelf to her list. That way I hope to move a few books from the TBR shelf to the Read rhelf.

  2. Congrats on already reaching your Goodreads goal! I don’t take part in any challenges other than the Goodreads one. I think I’m about 8 books ahead right now so I have a little cushion. 🙂

    1. Honestly, I didn’t realize I had achieved my goal until I logged the last book.

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