Happy Tuesday, y’all! This week, Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl is asking us to share books that provide a much-needed escape. Isn’t that every book? I mean, isn’t that why we read? At least, that’s why I read: to learn new things and to escape to a different place. So, instead, I’m going to continue working through the alphabet. So far, I’ve covered A-G (you can find those all here). This week, the H’s have it.

The H's Have It: Ten Book Titles Starting with the letter H

Ten book titles starting with the letter H! You would think this would be an easy challenge, right? Of course, I had to make it a bit more difficult on myself! I am not including any books that are part of a series.

All titles will lead to Goodreads.

Now, let’s see if the H’s have it!

Half Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer

  • Genre: Middle Grade, Mystery
  • Release Date: March 2006

Fletcher Moon has never been like other kids. For one thing, he has had to suffer the humiliating nickname “Half Moon” because of his short stature. But the real reason Fletcher is different is that ever since he was a baby, he’s had a nose for sniffing out mysteries. And after graduating at the top of his Internet class, he is officially certified as the youngest detective in the world. He even has a silver-plated detective’s badge to prove it. Everything goes fine until two things happen: a classmate hires him to solve a crime, and his prized badge is stolen. All signs point to the town’s most notorious crime family, the Sharkeys.

As Fletcher follows the clues, evidence of a conspiracy begins to emerge. But before he can crack the case, Fletcher finds himself framed for a serious crime. To clear his name, he will have to pair up with the unlikeliest of allies and go on the run from the authorities. Fletcher has twelve hours to find the guilty party–or he is the guilty party.

Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie

  • Genre: Mystery
  • Release Date: November 1969

At a Hallowe’en party, Joyce—a hostile thirteen-year-old—boasts that she once witnessed a murder. When no one believes her, she storms off home. But within hours, her body is found, still in the house, drowned in an apple-bobbing tub.

That night, Hercule Poirot is called in to find the “evil presence.” But first, he must establish whether he is looking for a murderer or a double murderer.…

Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar

  • Genre: YA, Romance, LGBTQ
  • Release Date: May 2021

Everyone likes Humaira “Hani” Khan—she’s easygoing and one of the most popular girls at school. But when she comes out to her friends as bisexual, they invalidate her identity, saying she can’t be bi if she’s only dated guys. Panicked, Hani blurts out that she’s in a relationship…with a girl her friends absolutely hate—Ishita “Ishu” Dey. Ishu is the complete opposite of Hani. She’s an academic overachiever who hopes that becoming head girl will set her on the right track for college. But Ishita agrees to help Hani, if Hani will help her become more popular so that she stands a chance of being elected head girl.

Despite their mutually beneficial pact, they start developing real feelings for each other. But relationships are complicated, and some people will do anything to stop two Bengali girls from achieving happily ever after.

The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley by Courtney Walsh

  • Genre: Contemporary
  • Release Date: June 2023

Isadora Bentley follows the rules. Isadora Bentley likes things just so. She believes that happiness is something that flat-out doesn’t exist in her life—and never will.

As a university researcher, Isadora keeps to herself as much as possible. She avoids the students she’s supposed to befriend and mentor. She stays away from her neighbors and lives her own quiet, organized life in her own quiet, organized apartment. And she will never get involved in a romantic relationship again—especially with another academic. It will be just Isadora and her research. Forever.

But on her thirtieth birthday, Isadora does something completely out of character. The young woman who never does anything “on a whim” makes an impulse purchase of a magazine featuring a silly article detailing “Thirty-One Ways to Be Happy”—which includes everything from smiling at strangers to exercising for endorphins to giving in to your chocolate cravings. Isadora decides to create her own secret research project—proving the writer of the ridiculous piece wrong.

As Isadora gets deeper into her research—and meets a handsome professor along the way—she’s stunned to discover that maybe, just maybe, she’s proving herself wrong. Perhaps there’s actually something to this happiness concept, and possibly there’s something to be said for loosening up and letting life take you somewhere . . . happy.

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

  • Genre: YA
  • Release Date: September 1987

Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. He is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake–and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure.

Brian had been distraught over his parents’ impending divorce and the secret he carries about his mother, but now he is truly desolate and alone. Exhausted, terrified, and hungry, Brian struggles to find food and make a shelter for himself. He has no special knowledge of the woods, and he must find a new kind of awareness and patience as he meets each day’s challenges. Is the water safe to drink? Are the berries he finds poisonous?

Slowly, Brian learns to turn adversity to his advantage–an invading porcupine unexpectedly shows him how to make fire, a devastating tornado shows him how to retrieve supplies from the submerged airplane. Most of all, Brian leaves behind the self-pity he has felt about his predicament as he summons the courage to stay alive.

A story of survival and of transformation, this riveting book has sparked many a reader’s interest in venturing into the wild.

The Haunting of Charles Dickens by Lewis Buzbee

  • Genre: Middle Grade, Mystery, Historical Fiction
  • Release Date: September 2009

Meg Pickel’s older brother, Orion, has disappeared. One night, she steals out to look for him and makes two surprising discoveries: She stumbles upon a séance that she suspects involves Orion, and she meets the author Charles Dickens, also unable to sleep and roaming the London streets. He is a customer of Meg’s father, who owns a print shop, and a family friend. Mr. Dickens fears that the children of London aren’t safe and is trying to solve the mystery of so many disappearances. If he can, then perhaps he’ll be able to write once again.

Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots

  • Genre: Fantasy, Superheroes
  • Release Date: September 2020

Anna does boring things for terrible people because even criminals need office help, and she needs a job. Working for a monster lurking beneath the surface of the world isn’t glamorous. But is it really worse than working for an oil conglomerate or an insurance company? In this economy? As a temp, she’s just a cog in the machine. But when she finally gets a promising assignment, everything goes very wrong, and an encounter with the so-called “hero” leaves her badly injured.  And, to her horror, compared to the other bodies strewn about, she’s the lucky one.

So, of course, then she gets laid off.

With no money and no mobility, with only her anger and internet research acumen, she discovers her suffering at the hands of a hero is far from unique. When people start listening to the story that her data tells, she realizes she might not be as powerless as she thinks.

Because the key to everything is data: knowing how to collate it, how to manipulate it, and how to weaponize it. By tallying up the human cost these caped forces of nature wreak upon the world, she discovers that the line between good and evil is mostly marketing.  And with social media and viral videos, she can control that appearance.

It’s not too long before she’s employed once more, this time by one of the worst villains on earth. As she becomes an increasingly valuable lieutenant, she might just save the world.

The Heroines by Eileen Favorite

  • Genre: Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Fantasy
  • Release Date: December 2007

Although a true lover of books, Anne-Marie Entwhistle prefers not to read to her spirited daughter, Penny, especially from the likes of Madame Bovary, Gone With the Wind, or The Scarlet Letter. These novels, devoted to the lives of the Heroines that make them so irresistible, have a way of hitting too close to home — well, to the Homestead, actually, where Anne-Marie runs the quaint family-owned bed and breakfast.

In this enchanting debut novel, Penny and her mother encounter great women from classic works of literature who make the Homestead their destination of choice just as the plots of their tumultuous, unforgettable stories begin to unravel. They appear at all hours of the day and in all manners of distress. A lovesick Madame Bovary languishes in their hammock after Rodolphe has abandoned her, and Scarlett O’Hara’s emotions are not easily tempered by tea and eiderdowns. These visitors long for comfort, consolation, and sometimes for more attention than the adolescent Penny wants her mother to give.

Knowing that to interfere with their stories would cause mayhem in literature, Anne-Marie does her best to make each Heroine feel at home, with a roof over her head and a shoulder to cry on. But when Penny begins to feel overshadowed by her mother’s indulgence of each and every Heroine, havoc ensues, and the thirteen-year-old embarks on her own memorable tale.

Holmes, Marple, & Poe by James Patterson & Brian Sitts

  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller
  • Release Date: January 2024

Brendan Holmes, Margaret Marple, and Auguste Poe run the most in-demand private investigation agency in New York City.

The three detectives make a formidable team, solving a series of seemingly impossible crimes which expose the dark underbelly of the city – from a priceless art theft, high-stakes kidnapping and a decades-old unsolved murder, to a gruesome subterranean prison and corruption and bribery at the highest levels of power.

But it’s not long before their headline-grabbing breakthroughs, unconventional methods – and untraceable pasts – attract the attention of the NYPD and the FBI.

After all, it’s no surprise that there’s a mystery or two to unravel in the city that never sleeps . . . not least, who really are Holmes, Margaret, and Poe?

The Honk and Holler Opening Soon by Billie Letts

  • Genre: Fiction
  • Release Date: January 1998

Caney Paxton wanted his cafe to have the biggest and brightest sign in Eastern Oklahoma-the “opening soon” part was supposed to be just a removable, painted notice. But a fateful misunderstanding gave Vietnam vet Caney the flashiest joke in the entire state. Twelve years later, the once-busy highway is dead, and the sign is as worn as Caney, who hasn’t ventured outside the diner since it opened. Then, one blustery December day, a thirty-ish Crow woman blows in with a three-legged dog in her arms and a long-buried secret on her mind. Hiring on as a carhop, Vena Takes Horse is soon shaking up business, the locals, and Caney’s heart…as she teaches them all about generosity of spirit, love, and the possibility of promise-just like the sign says.

That is a list of ten book titles starting with the letter H. Have you read any of these? Do you think the H’s have it? Are there any you think I should read?

The H's Have It: Ten Book Titles Starting with the letter H

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish listsbook reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.

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26 thoughts on “The H’s Have It: Ten Titles Starting With H

  1. Great choices. I haven’t read any of these but did enjoy the film version of Halloween Party that Kenneth Branagh did last year (A Haunting in Venice).

  2. I saw A Haunting in Venice, which I think is the film based on that Agatha Christie novel, but I hear the book is very different! Someday I need to read how Agatha Christie wrote all of her iconic characters rather than how a screenplay imagines them. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today!

    1. A Haunting in Venice is nothing like Hallowe’en Party! Well, it’s maybe 10% true to the book. While a good movie, not a great adaptation.

  3. Holmes, Marple & Poe sounds like the perfect pick for my autumn tbr! It’s got everything I love, a Holmes, a murder and team work 😂

  4. I always look forward to your letter lists, and this one was just as good as A-G. It’s really cool to see how creative you get, and I always wind up adding one or two to my TBR. This week it’s The Honk and Holler Opening Soon. Thanks!

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