The Hate U Give is a multi-award nominated and winning modern classic by Angie Thomas. It was first published in 2017 and has been translated into 25 different languages. The Hate U Give (THUG) was made into a movie in 2018.

THUG has been banned or challenged several times since its first printing. Some reasons include the use of profanity, violence, and racism. Honestly, without those three things being in the book it wouldn’t be as powerful as it is.
Starr Carter is a 16-year-old girl who becomes the center of a major media storm. How? She is the only witness to the events the night her best friend Khalil was shot by a police officer. Starr has to find the balance between doing what is right and what is expected. Along the way, she finds her voice and uses it for the people like Khalil who aren’t able to any longer.
THUG is an honest look at what is happening in many parts of the world. It examines what is the truth for many people, and forces the rest of us to really look at it.
Starr is a well-written character, one who has seen more than any 16-year-old should yet still manages to do the right thing.
All of the characters are just as well written. Maverick, intimidated me much like he did his kids and their friends. Seven, he was trying to be the best big brother, and supporting all of his siblings (he has 3 half-sisters and a half-brother). Lisa, just working her butt off to make her kids’ lives better than hers was, so they could see the good in the world.
Honestly, the only negative I have with the book is the Grand Jury’s decision. But I understand that if it wasn’t for that decision, the last third of the story wouldn’t have worked. Starr wouldn’t have learned to use her voice quite so much. Chris wouldn’t have seen what Starr has dealt with the majority of her life.
I will admit, it took me 2 attempts to read THUG. Why? Because I wasn’t in a good place emotionally. And THUG just made it worse. For my mental health, I had to set it aside and knew I would pick it up again at some point. That time was this year. And I am glad that I did.
THUG offers a glimpse into a reality I knew existed, but never really was a part of. I think this is a book that most people (if not all people) need to read. Honestly, I feel as though a lot of it was written from the author’s life. As if she knew a Khalil, a Starr, a Maverick, even a DeVante, and a King.

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