Last week I completed the TBR Book Tag, so this week I thought I would do the Finished Book Tag.
I found this tag over at Love & Literature. I found her answers funny and interesting. So of course I had to give it a try.

Let’s get started!
Do you keep a list of the books you have read?
The best way for me to keep track of all the books I’ve read and want to read is Goodreads. I swear, if it wasn’t for Goodreads, I would probably not have a clue about what books I’ve read or what I want to read. If you aren’t using, why? What do you use?
If you record statistics, what statistics do you record?
The only statistics I used to keep for my books was a list of books I’ve read using Goodreads. Every year they do a Year in Books (YIB) for members, it gives you all the books you’ve read that year. The YIB also includes the number of pages you’ve read, the number of books you’ve read, the longest book you read, the shortest book you’ve read, the least and most popular books. It gives you your averages as well-your average rating and the average number of pages read.
This year I started keeping track of the number of pages I’ve read daily in my bullet-journal. Not in a specific way or anything, just in groups of 20. I decided to do this because I was curious about my reading habits. I knew I’ve been reading a lot lately, but I didn’t know how much. It’s only the end of February, and I’m already at 11 days with at least 100 pages read.
Do you give star ratings for books and if so, what do you score books out of and how do you come about this score?
I do give star ratings. I use the 5-star system that Goodreads uses. For me it breaks down like this:
- 5-Star: It was a freaking amazing read. One that I feel everyone should read. It flows wonderfully, it’s essentially perfect.
- 4-Star: It was a great read. One I would recommend to people, may have had a few flaws that kept it from a 5.
- 3-Star: It was an okay read. Nothing great, but I’m sure some people will love it.
- 2-Star: It’s not terrible, but it needs some serious help.
- 1-Star: Why was this published? Why did I waste my time reading this?
I don’t give 1 & 2 Star ratings lightly. I try to find some sort of redeeming quality about the book to get it to a 3-Star. Upon searching my Goodreads, I only have four 1-Star ratings and twenty-eight 2-Star ratings. And out of those 32 books, there are quite a few that I read for school and probably rated that low just out of spite.
Do you review books?
Yes! Even before I started my blog I would leave reviews for the books I had read on Goodreads. Sometimes the reviews are just a line or two, and other times it is almost like an essay or book report. It all depends on how I feel about the book.
Where do you put your finished books?
I have a couple of shelves reserved for the books I want to keep. I have a couple of shelves reserved for the books I have read and want to share with friends and family. If it’s a book I just could not stand, it goes into a donate pile until the next trip to the thrift store.
Do you have any other rituals for when you have finished a book?
The only ritual I have for when I finish a book is to take a break between books. I won’t pick up the next book to read until the next day. I like to give myself time to really process the book I’ve read and to give my head and heart a break.
What did you think of my answers to The Finished Book Tag? What are your answers? Feel free to share them below.

Curious about the other tags I’ve completed? Go check out my Book Tags section.
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