YUM! Chocolate AND Books! What a great combination! I mean, what could be better than some chocolate with a good book? Yum, yum, yum! I found The Chocolate Book Tag over at A Rambling Reviewer. Her answers made me smile, and I just knew I had to do this tag. I decided to focus my answers mostly on the books I’ve read in 2021.

I haven’t done a book tag in a while. And knew it was something I needed to do. Life has been a little crazy, making reading something that hasn’t been easy to do at all times. But a book tag is something that’s fun and can be easy.
So grab some chocolate and have a look through my choices.
1. Dark chocolate: A book with dark content/theme

I’m not sure if this is book has what is traditionally considered a dark theme, but it’s darker than what I normally read. That said, I totally LOVED this book. It was great to see superheroes as the “bad guy.”
2. White chocolate: A light-hearted, humorous read

I picked this book up at a time when I needed something light, and funny. And it didn’t disappoint!
3. Milk chocolate: A hyped/popular book you really want to read

I’ve wanted to read this book since I first heard of it. I will be reading this soon. I hope it lives up to the hype. Hyped books aren’t something I have a lot of success with.
4. Chocolate with a Caramel Centre: A book that made you feel gooey on the inside

Gooey books aren’t something I’ve read a lot of lately. But this was something I picked up because I needed an easy read that was kind of fluffy. This was beyond fluffy; it was steamy! I’ve added the second book in the series to my TBR. Hope to read it soon.
5. A wafer-free kit-kat: a book that surprised you

No idea why this book surprised me, but it was a surprise to me. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and even added the next book to my TBR.
6. A Snickers Bar: a book you’re going nuts about

Everyone needs to read this book! That’s all there is to say.
Seriously, it’s historical fiction that had 14 points of view, but they aren’t difficult to follow. Each POV is a different chapter and a different short story. But altogether, these are stories that need to be heard and understood.
7. Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows: a comfort read you turn to time and time again
I’m not one to reread books. Because of that, I don’t really have an answer to this question. One book I have reread a couple of times, but not recently, is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
8. A box of chocolates: a series that has a lot of things readers will like

Sure, I could have gone with Harry Potter series for this, and maybe even the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. But I HAD to go with Percy Jackson and Rick Riordan. With The Lightning Thief, you are introduced to Percy Jackson, who is 11-years-old, and the world of Camp Half-Blood. In each subsequent book, the characters grow and mature. Across 3 series, there are a total of 15 books. How can you not find something in there to enjoy?

Did you enjoy reading my answers for the Chocolate Book Tag and getting to know more about me? I hope you find a new book to read on this list. What are your answers to some of these questions? I would love to know!
Looking for some more books to read? Check out my other book reviews and my monthly reading wrap-ups.
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