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Happy October, y’all! Fall is here, yay. Cooler temperatures, pretty colors, my birthday, and spooky season! Can you tell that October is my favorite month? That fall is my favorite season? How was my September? Let’s check out my September 2024 Wrap-Up to see.

September 2024 Reading Wrap-Up & October Plans

September 2024 Reading Wrap-Up & October TBR

Let’s flashback to my August 2024 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I planned to read in September.

Maybe I should stick to these short monthly TBRs. I’ve been pretty successful with those lately.

Books Read in September 2024

Marion Lane and the Deadly Rose by T.A. Willberg

Review: Part 2 of a great story.

Marion Lane and the Raven’s Revenge by T.A. Willberg

Review: Final book?

Can’t Help Falling in Love by Sophie Sullivan

Review: Fake dating in the fall.

Full review here.

Six Ostriches by Philipp Schott

Review: Norse mystery?

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

Review: Where do we belong?

A Match Made for Thanksgiving by Jackie Lau

Review: Spicy holiday read.

The War Outside by Monica Hesse

Review: Must read Historical Fiction

The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern by Lynda Cohen Loigman

Review: Warm hug in a book!

Full review here.

September was full of audiobooks for me. Of course, two were super short—under five hours. I enjoyed the Marion Lane series. I found it using Libby’s random function and loved the first book, so of course, I had to read the rest of them. My favorite read this month has to be The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern.

I had two DNFs in September. There’s nothing wrong with either book, but they didn’t work for me. Yes, they’re both historical fiction, but they are high stakes, and I’m not interested in reading that right now. Those books were Lovely War by Julie Berry and The Secret History of Audrey James by Heather Marshall.

October TBR

I have three ARCs left to read for October. I will focus on those this month; if I’m lucky, I can start on the ones for November.

September Blog Wrap-Up & October Plans

I published 12 blog posts in September, including two book reviews, two cookbook reviews, and four Top Ten Tuesday posts. I’ve also been working on a blogging project with a December deadline. Of the 12 posts, the most popular was a TTT post called Foodies in Books: Ten Books Featuring Food. The most popular post across my blog was Ten Book Titles Starting with the Letter A.

There will be five Top Ten Tuesday posts in October, and I hope to have three reviews. In the mix, there will be some quarterly updates. I’ll also be working through my project for December.

Personal Stuff

My personal challenges in September weren’t super successful. I always start a month off strong, yet if something happens to delay my progress, I give up. Why am I like that? At the beginning of September, I started taking more steps for a few days. But after that, nothing. Ugh! As for my diet, I’m still working on increasing my protein and fiber intake. My creativity has disappeared as well. It took until the end of the month to start pulling stuff together to make my daughter-in-law’s stocking. Now, to work on it.

So, what does October look like? My birthday is in the middle of the month, and the day before it is Canadian Thanksgiving. Sadly, I have to work both days. But in a positive twist, I get the next three days off. My mom can’t come north this year to celebrate with us. Which makes me sad, but I understand.

Besides those two things, I’m unsure what else I hope to work on this month except decluttering the house. It’s been a rough few years, and we let the housekeeping slide.

That is my September 2024 wrap-up and October 2024 plans. How was your September? Did you read any good books? What are your plans for October?

September 2024 Reading Wrap-Up & October Plans

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.

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