Happy November, y’all! Are you ready for the holiday season? Me either! I swear October just flew by. But now Thanksgiving, my Birthday, and Halloween are done. Next is Remembrance Day (November 11), and then the acceleration to Christmas. But before we get too wrapped up in that, let’s look at my October 2024 wrap-up and November plans.

October 2024 Reading Wrap-Up & November TBR
Let’s flashback to my September 2024 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I planned to read in October.
- The Treasure Hunters Club by Tom Ryan
- A New Lease on Death by Olivia Blacke
- The Christmas Countdown by Holly Cassidy
Books Read in October 2024
The Treasure Hunters Club by Tom Ryan

Review: Treasure has been found and lost again.
Full review here.
October was a decent month for me, reading-wise. I read eight books in total, equally split between audiobooks and ebooks. Okay, one of the four I read with my eyes was a physical book. I was hesitant to read Full Tilt. Why? Just look at the cover, it screams horror, and I’m not a huge horror fan. But my daughter insisted I read one of her favorite books for spooky month. I have to say that while it is a dark book, it’s a great look at how past trauma can control your life, either for the good or the bad.
I could have picked almost any book I read this month as my favorite for October, but I narrowed it down to The Air Raid Book Club. I’ve been burned out by historical fiction, especially if it has a lot of tension. While set in London during World War II, it’s low-tension.
October did have several DNFs. Unfortunately, a few were books I was looking forward to reading. The books I DNFed in October were Bait and Witch, A Widow’s Guide to Dead Bastards, The Rom-Commers, Funny Story, and The Leap Year Gene. The only one that I found issues with was A Widow’s Guide to Dead Bastards. It may have been because I was listening to an audiobook, and the narrator mispronounced a handful of words.
November TBR
I have two ARCs to read for November. Think I’ll get them both read?
- A Legend in the Baking by Jamie Wesley
- Brightly Shining by Ingvild H. Rishøi
October Blog Wrap-Up & November Plans
I published ten posts in October, including three reviews and five Top Ten Tuesday posts. The most popular of the ten was a TTT post called Let’s Hype These Books: Ten Books Deserving More Hype. The most popular post overall was a book review from September 2021, Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter: Book Review.
I plan to publish four Top Ten Tuesday posts in November. I also hope to publish two reviews. A couple of gift guides are in the works. I’ll also continue working on my project for December. I’m about halfway through at the moment.
Personal Stuff
I finally started working on my daughter-in-law’s stocking. I need to finish it by the end of November, when we’ll decorate for the holidays. I’ll share a bunch of pictures after I give it to her. Everyone else has seen it, including my daughter, and loves it. I’m also excited to be working on something crafty and creative again!
November will also focus on cleaning and getting ready for the holidays. We’ll focus on the space where the tree will be placed.
That’s my October in a nutshell. How was your October 2024? What was your favorite read for the month? What are your plans for November?

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.
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I really enjoyed The Air Raid Book Club.
Sounds like you had a pretty good October! Here’s hoping November is good as well. I’ve been meaning to read The Full Moon Coffee Shop; it looks really cute.
It’s a really good cozy read with some magical realism mixed in. And it a realtively short one at around 240 pages.
That’s neat, I do enjoy magical realism stories.
I have such a hard time getting back into an audiobook when a narrator mispronounces words or names. Can’t blame them fully though, someone else in the process of putting these audiobooks together should have caught these errors too. Hope you are having a lovely November!