Happy December y’all! The end of 2023 is almost here, am I the only one surprised at how quickly the year has gone? Personally, I feel like I’ve lost a month this year because November 2023 was a month of technical issues! Between my WIFI not working for the first couple of weeks, to my laptop being in snail mode, to me being down with a viral infection for two weeks, November wasn’t a great month for me. I hope it was better for you! Now lets see what I actually did accomplish with my November 2023 wrap-up.

November 2023 Reading Wrap-Up & December 2023 TBR
Let’s flashback to my October 2023 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I had planned to read in November.
- The General and Julia by Jon Clinch (ARC)
- Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie
- F.A.R.M. System by Rich Koslowski
Let me say, I’m glad I kept my TBR short. While I did manage to read nine books in November, four of those books were ones that I started in October. I had hoped to clear my ARC list a bit between the couple I’m behind and the ones I have to read in December. Of the five ARCs on that list, I managed to read one. I have a feeling I will be carrying some of those into 2024. Oh well!
Books Read in November 2023
Three Holidays and A Wedding by Uzma Jalaluddin & Marissa Stapley (review) | A Good Neighborhood by Therese Anne Fowler
Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie | Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore
The General and Julia by Jon Clinch (review) | F.A.R.M. System by Rich Koslowski
The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop by Fannie Flagg | Every Time You Go Away by Abigail Johnson (review pending)
Heartstopper: Volume 3 by Alice Oseman
My reading was a bit erratic last month. How to pick a favorite read? Three Holidays and A Wedding was a fantastic read, as was Oona Out of Order. Every Time You Go Away was insightful. The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop and Heartstopper were both cozy reads.
December 2023 TBR
I have two ARCs to read for this month, with another that should be read this month (it’s a Christmas book). I’ve already read my Buzzwordathon book for December, so that’s one less book I need to read this month.
- It Happened One Christmas by Chantel Guertin
- Our Cursed Love by Julie Abe
- On the Plus Side by Jenny L. Howe
Blog Wrap & Plans
November 2023 wasn’t a great month for me in the blogging world, but it also wasn’t a terrible month. I managed to get seven posts up. Of those seven posts, there were two reviews and three Top Ten Tuesday posts. I missed one due to technical issues.
For December, I hope to have four reviews written. I still have a cookbook to review, but trying to find the time to test and review the recipes during December may not be an easy thing to accomplish. And there will be four Top Ten Tuesday posts.
The most popular post I published in November was Coloring Books for Book Lovers: Gift Ideas. The most popular post overall from November was one I posted in September 2022, Ten Book Titles Starting with the Letter A.
November Life Updates
Not a lot to update on from November. We’re just finishing the painting for now, and I personally like the new color. I’ll try to share some pictures next month, once we get some of the decorating done. We’ll have to do some touch-ups after the holidays, but it is mostly finished. I say we, but it was mostly my husband, as I was down with a viral infection for a couple of weeks.
I have a couple of bookish craft projects I want to work on in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed I can get them done and get some posts written about them.
That is my November 2023 wrap-up and December 2023 plans. How was your November? Did you read any good books? What are your plans for December?

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.
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Oct/Nov we’re not great for me because I had emergency surgery for a detached retina. I’ll be glad to say goodbye to 2023!