Momma Cusses: A Field Guide to Responsive Parenting & Trying Not to Be the Reason Your Kids Need Therapy is the debut from TikTok sensation Gwenna Laithland. Released March 5, 2024 by St. Martin’s Essentials, it is perfect read for any parent. Readers are treated to Laithland’s trademark honesty and humor as she details her experiences with responsive parenting.

I want to thank St. Martin’s Essentials and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Momma Cusses. All opinions presented here are my own.
Synopsis from Goodreads
There are lots of experts out there who will tell you they have the magic recipe to raising perfect humans. Gwenna Laithland is not one of them. She’s one of us. Frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Her relatable representation of parenthood validates our experiences. In Momma Cusses, Gwenna uses her signature style of snark and sarcasm to explain her interpretation of responsive parenting vs. reactive parenting and outline the steps she takes to raise her kids. Whether you are a parent or someone who has had a parent, we all need to
learn how to handle our emotional spirals responsively.
Now we can all be in it together by tackling some of the hilarious yet all-too-real scenarios Gwenna outlines in her book, including:
Mom guilt vs. mom shame
Get in control of your emotions
Get in control of their emotions
Accessible, digestible, and rooted in reality, Momma Cusses helps readers with navigating family dynamics and cultivating emotional resilience for everyone.
- An easy read, with down-to-Earth language.
- Reminds readers who the experts are.
- Nothing!
My Opinions
I stumbled across Laithland on my For You Page with her videos discussing her daughter’s chaos lunches. Many of her videos are relatable to this mom of two. When I learned she was writing a book, I was happy for her and knew I wanted to read it.
Momma Cusses is an easy read, none of that technical jargon many parenting books contain. Laithland uses the same language in her book as she uses in her videos. She’s down to earth, and no-nonsense. While some may find her use of some words offensive, the title of the book lets you know it’s there without ever reading a one page.
Who is this book for? Any parent or parent-like person who is trying to raise the next generation. Trust me, this is a book you will appreciate having read.

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