Happy April, y’all! March was another month that seemed to fly by. Is it just that as we get older time goes faster? Remember when you were a kid and it took forever for school holidays or your birthday to arrive? Now, as an adult it seems like those days arrive much too quickly. Enough of that, let’s take a look at my March 2024 wrap-up and see what plans I have in the works for April.

Cover images of books for a March 2024 Wrap-Up.

March Reading Wrap-Up & April TBR

Let’s flashback to my February 2024 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I had planned to read in March.

Guess how many of these I’ve read! Go ahead, give it a guess. I managed to read one of these, but I have also started on another.

Books Read in March

This year I’m going to try something different with this part of my post. I’m going to give a one to two word review of the book. I wonder how that’s going to go. Only one way to find out!

Now let’s check out what I actually read in March 2024!

Meet Cute by Helena Hunting

Review: Heavy for a rom-com

The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore

Review: Eye-opening & angering

The Littlest Library by Poppy Alexander

Review: Cozy & found family

Full review here.

Momma Cusses by Gwenna Laithland

Review: Fun & Educational

Full review here.

The Heroines: A Novel by Eileen Favorite

Review: Underrated

Full review here.

I stepped up my reading in March. Wow! Of course, most of these are audiobooks, which seems to be the easiest way for me to read at the moment. This month, I think it’s a toss-up between The Woman They Could Not Silence and The Littlest Library for my favorite reads. Honestly, The Heroines is a close third.

April TBR

It looks like I have my hands full in April. I have four ARCs to read, what was I thinking requesting so many ARCs for April?

March Blog Wrap-Up & April Plans

Apparently, March was a better month for blogging than I thought. In total, I published ten posts. That breaks down to four Top Ten Tuesday posts, three reviews, a food post, my February wrap-up, and my monthly TBR shelf clean-up. One of the Top Ten Tuesday posts was my first creative post. You can check that out here. The best performing new post of the month is Spring 2024 TBR: Ten Books I Hope to Read. My top post overall for March was Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter: Book Review. I’m wondering if the popularity of that post is due to the next book Painter is releasing this year that is related to this book.

For April, I hope to publish five Top Ten Tuesday posts and a few book reviews. Fingers crossed that I can get some ARCs read this month. I hope to sprinkle in another creative post and food post in April. But no promises, as April is going to be a bit busy for me on my down time.

Personal Stuff

The goals I set for myself in March were a flop! I kept them up for a few days, and then just stopped. Don’t you hate when that happens? But I did something new and slightly scary for me as an introvert. I attended a book club that just started near me. It’s a fun concept, and I hope to be able to participate more. The group meets up once a week at one of the libraries here in town. There’s a 5-10 minute introduction, and then like 30 minutes of reading whatever we want to read. After that, we spend the time discussing what we’re reading and other book things.

Not sure what April is going to look like, other than trying to get ready for a trip I’m taking in May. In about six weeks, I will be going on an Alaskan cruise with my mom. I’m excited and scared at the same time. Excited, because this is a trip she’s wanted to go on most of my life. Scared because this is the first time I’m doing any sort of trip like this. And as the procrastinator I am, I have barely done anything. Shoot, it took me until the middle of March to actually buy my plane tickets. Now I need to find some a nice outfit or two and a couple of new pairs of shoes. Guess who hates shopping for all of that stuff? That’s right, me! Between now and the day I fly out, I only have like 12 days off of work. Ugh!

That is my March 2024 wrap-up and April 2024 plans. How was your March? Did you read any good books? What are your plans for April?

Cover images of books for a March 2024 Wrap-Up.

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.

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6 thoughts on “March 2024 Wrap-Up & April Plans

  1. I love one word reviews! I need to do more!
    I’ve been on an Alaskan Cruise! You’ll love it!

    1. Thanks! It’s a trip my mom has wanted to take forever, and I’m glad to be the one to go with her.

  2. I’m so happy that you had a great reading month this March; I really liked Mr. Penumbra too. March wasn’t too good for me overall but I did read a couple of books I loved. Let’s hope April will be great!


  3. My husband and I went on an Alaskan Cruise for our 25th anniversary. We both loved it. I hope you and your mom have a wonderful time. I am not a huge fan of shopping either, but I have a friend that has a good eye and always finds stuff for me to buy. It makes it easier.

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