Holmes Marple and Poe is the latest release from James Patterson and Brian Sitts. With a release date of January 9, 2024, by Little, Brown, and Company, Holmes Marple and Poe takes readers on a thrilling ride with the newest set of PIs in New York City. The titular trio find themselves involved in an investigation that could rock the city government to the core, but should they?

I want to thank Little, Brown and Company, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Holmes Marple & Poe. All opinions presented here are solely mine.
CW/TW: drug use, drug abuse, kidnapping, murder, suicidal tendency, death, mistreatment of dead bodies
Synopsis from Goodreads
In New York City, three intriguing, smart, and stylish private investigators open Holmes, Marple & Poe Investigations. Who are these detectives with famous names and mysterious, untraceable pasts?
Brendan Holmes—The Brain: Identifies suspects via deduction and logic.
Margaret Marple—The Eyes: Possesses powers of observation too often underestimated.
Auguste Poe—The Muscle: Chases down every lead no matter how dangerous or dark.
The agency’s daring methodology and headline-making solves attract the attention of NYPD Detective Helene Grey. Her solo investigation into her three unknowable competitors rivals the best mysteries of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Edgar Allan Poe.
- Fantastic pacing.
- Short chapters.
- Well developed characters, easy to keep them separated.
- The main characters are perfect representations of their namesakes.
- The number of chapters, there are over 100 chapters!
My Opinions
Let me clear the air straight away. I added this book to my TBR as soon as I saw the title. Why? How could I not given the characters’ names are some of the most recognizable names in literature? While reading Holmes Marple and Poe, I was impressed with the details of the main three characters and how they were very similar to their namesakes.
My jaw dropped when I first saw how many chapters were in the book. Why? Because there are over 100. But they are short; some are only a page or two long. This makes it easy to say you will read only one more chapter and then read five more and not feel guilty. The short chapters also make it easy to put the book down if needed to take care of things outside the book, but who likes to do that?
It is easy to find yourself sucked into the book and not wanting to put it down! The pacing is terrific! At times, you feel like you are speeding along, and other times you’re taking a leisurely stroll and enjoying the scenery.
Overall, if you are a fan of Holmes, Marple, or Poe you should read this. And, of course, if you are a fan of mysteries and thrillers, you should also read Holmes Marple and Poe. I look forward to reading more about these characters if a sequel shall happen.

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I hadn’t heard of this one before, though I do like the characters’ namesakes! (Then again, I don’t follow thriller releases much these days, so that’s probably why I didn’t know about it.) I’ll have to see if my library gets a copy in!