Did you know January is Hobby Month? I didn’t, but it makes a lot of sense. January is about new beginnings and habits, so why not include hobbies in that? According to Merriam-Webster, a hobby is “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engages in especially for relaxation.” That means something one does for fun or enjoyment that isn’t part of their typical business day. Have you ever wondered what hobbies famous authors have? Are they normal hobbies or unusual ones?

Hobbies of Seven Famous Authors

We all know that hobbies are a great way to pass the time and, for some people, actually increase our creativity. I know that, for me, a walk around the block is often enough to get the creative juices flowing, even if it’s just to loosen me up and write my blog posts. But have you ever wondered what some of the world’s most famous authors’ hobbies were? I did some research and found that some have some seriously cool (and unusual) hobbies.

Now, let’s check out the hobbies of seven famous authors.

Agatha Christie

When she wasn’t writing murder mysteries, Christie was pursuing one of her favorite pastimes: archeology. She enjoyed traveling to dig sites in the Middle East, where she found one of her greatest treasures: her husband, Max Mallowan.

Victor Hugo

Once he became a politician, Hugo turned to drawing as his preferred creative outlet.

Mark Twain

Scrapbooking is not a new passion, though it may have changed over the years. It is a hobby he is rumored to have loved with a passion. Then again, it may have been because he loved to keep records of his travels and public appearances. He was so passionate about scrapbooking that he invented a self-adhesive scrapbook.

Ernest Hemingway

The author, who wrote many adventures featuring hunting and fishing, was an avid outdoorsman.

J.R.R Tolkien

The creator of The Lord of the Rings enjoyed conlang. What is conlang? It is constructing languages. His passion found its way into his writing.

H.G. Wells

Did you know he enjoyed playing war games with miniature figures? Games similar to Warhammer? He enjoyed it so much that he wrote a rule book called Little Wars. You can read more about it here.

Emily Dickinson

While her hobby isn’t generally unusual, for someone who was a self-proclaimed shut-in, it is. So, what was her hobby? She enjoyed baking and sharing her goodies with the children who passed by her house daily. How would she do that? She would lower a basket from her window.

That’s the hobbies of seven famous authors. Did you know about these authors and their hobbies? What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Hobbies of Seven Famous Authors

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4 thoughts on “Hobbies of Seven Famous Authors

  1. I love this post so much! How fascinating to learn about these famous authors and the things they enjoyed doing outside of writing. Conlang is such a cool hobby and it makes so much sense that he created a whole new language for his stories. 😍 Archaeology for a hobby is very cool (and also very expensive, LOL). Thanks for sharing these awesome facts!

    1. I love the fact that Christie was passionate about something that was not “normal” for a woman of her time. And that she found her husband on one of her expeditions.

  2. I wouldn’t have thought that Mark Twain’s hobby would be scrapbooking! I don’t know why that’s the one that surprised me the most. I also like the mental image of Emily Dickinson lowering baked goods in a basket from her window. Someday, I hope to make writing my profession instead of my hobby–and then I guess I’ll have to find a new hobby! Great post!

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