Happy Tuesday, y’all! We are halfway through January already, seriously? How? This week, Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl is asking us to share our bookish goals for 2025. Interestingly, I only had two. How is that possible? But I have a few more for my blog, so if I put them out in the universe, they must be worked on, right? Who wants to see my goals for 2025?

Yes, I know I said there were only two book goals, but a few blog goals are book-related. So technically, there are a few more that are book-related. But the majority of these are blog-related. If you’re curious, I posted some personal goals I hope to achieve in 2025 in December; you can read those goals here.
Now, let’s check out my goals for 2025!
Goodreads Goal: 52
I’ve set a goal of 52 books for the past few years. Why? Because reading a book a week is manageable. The best part is that I have surpassed it without problems. I read 52 books in the first seven months of 2024. But I know 2025 will be a bit chaotic at times, and I want to keep my goals manageable.
Read 26 Owned Books
My physical TBR is getting seriously out of hand. I have 202 books. Yikes! That’s a lot for me because I used to have five or six books on my shelf before 2020 rolled around. In the past, I’ve just said I wanted to read more owned books. This year, I decided to set a number to help me focus on the goal.
Write 1 Review a Week
Of course, I’ll write reviews for the ARCs I’m reading. But I would like to fill the month in with backlist reviews. Hopefully, this will give me an excuse to read more owned books.
Write 2-3 Food Posts a Month
In 2024, I wrote 13 food posts, the majority of which were in December as part of my Blogmas. My ideas include cookbook reviews, ingredient reviews, and recipe lists.
Write 1-2 Creative Posts a Month
In 2024, I wrote five creative posts, four of which were in December as part of my Blogmas. My ideas include sharing works in progress (WIP), favorite supplies, and budget-friendly options.
Write 1-2 Book Tags a Month
I hadn’t written a book tag for over a year until I did Blogmas in 2024. They were lots of fun and relatively quick and easy.
Write 1-2 Book Posts a Month
These posts will be on top of the weekly Top Ten Tuesday posts. My ideas include cover comparisons and ideas for various reading challenges.
Use Instagram to Promote Blog
I re-activated my Instagram over the summer. I’ve randomly shared pictures and cross-promoted posts. But I want to be more consistent with it. If you’re looking for me on Instagram, my username is readbakecreate.
Update Old Posts
In 2024, I spent time verifying links and taking down some posts. In 2025, I hope to update some older posts. There are a few that I am proud of but need to be refreshed.
Update Blog Graphics
I don’t dislike the graphics I use, but I think it would be a good idea to update them.
Those are my book and blog goals for 2024. What are some of your goals for 2024? Do you have any suggestions to help me achieve mine? My biggest goal is to increase traffic on my blog, and I think all of the above goals will support this goal. So, I’m not going to include it.

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish lists, book reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.
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I would love to read about your WIPs! And book tags are super fun. I set my Goodreads goal at 50 for similar reasons; I know I can surpass it, but I don’t want to pressure myself, and 2025 is going to be crazy!
Here is my TTT: https://thissideofstoryland.blogspot.com/2025/01/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2025.html
Food posts are so fun.
Updating old posts is such a good idea! I’ve done a few here and there when I link back to those much older posts but finding the time is always an issue, lol. I hope to get to it soon though 🙂 Good luck with these goals, Pam!
I’ve looked at a few of my original posts and almost cringe. But blogging is all about growth, and I think I’ve grown quite a bit in the past 4 years. I think there’s some fun posts, so I want to refresh them, and get more eyes on them.
Great list of goals! I love the one to update old posts, I should do that too 🙂 Good luck with all of these!
The “experts” say we should update our posts periodically to help drive traffic. But I’m not doing it for those reasons, I’m doing it because I’m proud of those posts. They just need some love.
Lots of great goals, Pam! I’ve always loved your blog’s title. Eager to see the new graphics. Good luck with your goals!
I think they are all great goals and related to the blog, so they work. I should go back and update posts before they get out of hand. Good luck with all your goals.
These are all fantastic goals! Many that I also want to take part in. I am going to try really hard to be more consistent with my blog posting. Good luck with all of these!
Good luck! To be honest, I keep forgetting about booktags LOL. I created one myself in 2023, this one: https://laurieisreading.com/2023/10/21/the-if-i-wasnt-a-bookblogger-i-tag/
My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2025/01/14/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2025/
I may have to borrow your tag. Of course, I’ll give you credit. I’ve attempted to create a couple of my own, I may do them again this year, to refresh them.
Such a great list of goals. Good luck with them.
What is a blog tag? I’m so curious! I updated the colors on my blog. Still working to add a sidebar. You have some great goals for 2025!
In simple terms, a book tag is a list of questions or prompts that are responded to with some kind of bookish answer. Some are themed, with prompts related to a certain topic (song titles, food, etc). Some are just ways to get to know the blogger better.
I love the variety in your goals!
I would also like to wrote approximately one book review a week this year! Some weeks are slower reading wise for me than others, so i dont know how attainable this will be, but its a great goal! Happy TTT!
Some months are easier to write weekly reviews than other, because I’ve got a pile of ARCs to read. Other months there may not be any reviews, because there’s no ARCs. What I’m hoping to do is write reviews for some of the backlist books I read to fill in the weeks with no ARCs. I’ve found some of my backlist reviews drive more traffic to my blog than the ARCs.
That’s a great mix of blog goals for the year! Good luck and I’ll look forward to reading your posts.
Good luck with all of your goals. I’m definitely with you when it comes to needing to read my owned books more. I got a lot of ex library books years back then discovered a store selling 3 for £5 fantasy books and I’ve never caught up with the backlog from then 🙈 good luck with the reviews and different types of posts. It sounds like a busy but fun blogging year for you.
Such a good variety in your goals, should keep you from getting bored!
I’ve also found 52 is a nice reading goal when you’ve been reading a lot but you don’t know exactly where the year will take you! Good luck on all your goals!
Hope you accomplish ALL of your goals in 2025! I need to finish going through all of my archives and continue, in this year, to “clean” up posts OR delete them and republish with more articulate thoughts/better wording. I think MOST of the time when I re-read a discussion post or even a film list, my ultimate opinion is the same, it’s more that I could say it better. Thanks so much for visiting my list today!
These sound like some great goals! I would also like to read more of my owned books, too. They can get overwhelming so fast.
Updating my old blog posts and updating the graphics is something that I really need to get around to doing as well. I also want to post more reviews on my blog. I tend to write reviews for most of my reads without any issues but posting them somehow always seems to slip my mind.
Good luck on your goals for this year!
Love these! 🙂 I’m also hoping to mix in some more “life content” beyond my books + garden + beekeeping … Specifically kitchen goodness and cozy crafting. Looking forward to seeing what you post as well! And I’ve just followed you on insta <3
I love the idea of branching out the blog to more than just reading. While I love books, they aren’t the only thing I love.
Good luck! Looks like a lot on your plate.
These sound like very reasonable goals. Good luck with them! Oh, and I followed you on IG.
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
Very impressive goals. I like the specific 26 books from your shelf and to review some backlist books. That’s something I could consider too.
In the past I’ve just said I want to read more owned books, and I would start the year off ok. But then around March, I’d be distracted by the new and shiny books. I’m hoping by setting a target, I’ll be more likely to follow through.
I love these goals!
Maybe I should set a number of books to read from my shelves 🤔
I have a rule that I don’t start a new book until I have written a review for the one that I have just finished.
I probably need to go through and get rid of some posts. I am constantly hitting my picture limit and having to get rid of previous pictures.
Anyway, good luck with all your goals!
Have a great week!
With my ARC reviews, I tend to write the review before I allow myself to start reading a new one. But I typically have two books on the go at a time–one I read with my eyeballs and one I read with my ears.
I used to read three at a time and as I finished one review it. Since having my second son though my memory is fried so it’s one at a time and review. I have however managed to read two at a time this past month but I chose very different stories 😂 Ive not done an audiobook. Maybe one day
Isn’t it amazing what kids do to our brains?
It is so strange!!
You’ve got some great blog related goals here, Pam. I hope you enjoy meeting them.
These are really great goals. I did not include any goals about posts and reviewing more books (which I would like to do) because I know that they would put stress on me, and I do enough of that already.
I updated my blog’s graphics last year and it was so much fun. I hope you are able to added a fresh look to your blog this year. Good luck with these!
You’ve got a lot of awesome goals here! I should probably go back through my older posts and update with newer graphics and design, but that feels like such a daunting task… maybe one of these days!
Love your blog goals, and I keep making similar blog goals too each year.. hope to take inspiration from you and do it this year!!
Making my TTT rounds on Friday so happy weekend to you!!
My post is here
I really need to attack the books I own which I usually overlook preferring those I request at the library. And here you have a goal to read 26 of your owned books. Wow.
These are wonderful goals to have, and I hope you get to make progress on all of them!
These are great goals, Pam! Ambitious and practical. I wish you luck with them all!