Happy Tuesday, y’all! We are halfway through January already, seriously? How? This week, Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl is asking us to share our bookish goals for 2024. Interestingly, I only had two. How is that possible? But I have a few more for my blog, so if I put them out in the universe, they must be worked on, right? Who wants to see my goals for 2024?

Goals for 2024: Book and Blog Goals

Yes, I know I said there were only two book goals, but a few blog goals are book-related. So technically, there are a few more that are book-related. But the majority of these are blog-related.

Now, let’s check out my goals for 2021

Goodreads Goal: 52

I’ve set my goal at 52 for the past couple of years. Why? Because a book a week is manageable. The best part is that I have surpassed it with no problems. I read 52 books in the first six months of 2023. But I know a few big things are coming in 2024, and I want to keep my goals manageable.

Read More Owned Books

My physical TBR is getting seriously out of hand. My husband, bless his heart, gave me over 20 books for Christmas. At the start of 2023, I had around 100 books on my shelves, and now it’s closer to 150. Yikes! That’s a lot for me because I used to have 5 or 6 books on my shelf before 2020 rolled around.

Write More Backlist Reviews

When I first started Read! Bake! Create! I would write reviews for every book I read. I didn’t have many ARCs at the time, so I needed something for content. Since 2021, I’ve only written a handful of backlist books. I want to get back to writing more in 2024, encouraging me to read more of my books.

Write More Food Posts

In 2022, I used to post a monthly calendar of food-related holidays. While I compiled the information from one place, it was still time-consuming. I have written a few cookbook reviews over the years, but those are time-consuming as I want to try a few recipes before sharing my opinions. Do you have any ideas for blog posts?

Write Craft/Creative Posts

Over the years of my blog (all three), I have only written a few crafty or creative posts. I need to remember the third part of my blog name. Over the past few years, I haven’t felt very crafty or creative. I’m hoping that committing to writing at least one craft post a month will help me get out of the rut I’m in. Again, do you have any ideas you’d like to see?

Post More Consistently

The only thing I post regularly is my Top Ten Tuesday posts, though I did miss a couple in December with the craziness of the holidays. One thing I’m hoping that will help with that is batch writing. I had time off around Christmas and took that time to write several blog posts. They are scheduled to go up throughout January. I plan to continue batch-writing posts, so I don’t miss out when life throws a wrench in the plans.

More Time Planning/Prepping Posts

This ties in with the goal above. If I can work smarter, i.e., when I have downtime, I could do some planning for posts. Over my holidays, I started working out a plan for posts in January and February. In the past, I have used quiet times at work (mainly weekend shifts) to plan some posts. I haven’t had a weekend shift since September, so I haven’t had time to prepare like I used to.

Update Graphics

My daughter, whom I have often called my graphic designer, doesn’t like some of the graphics I useβ€”especially my logo. I may have her design one for me this year when she’s not stressed about school. January is rough as it’s the end of the semester and full of projects before exams. February is rough because it’s a round of new classes, and she is trying to plan the courses she wants to take in the 2024-2025 school year.

Try Instagram

I randomly created an account over the summer but deleted it immediately because I felt overwhelmed. But there are times I have things I want to share, but it feels like it could be better for a blog post. Does that make sense?

Increase Views/Visits

I’m not unhappy with my views, but what blogger doesn’t want to increase their views? I’m hoping all of the above tasks will help with the increased traffic. Do you have any other ideas to help improve the traffic?

Those are my book and blog goals for 2024. What are some of your goals for 2024? Any suggestions to help me achieve mine?

Goals for 2024: Book and Blog Goals

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my otherΒ bookish lists,Β book reviews,Β andΒ monthly reading wrap-ups.

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41 thoughts on “Goals for 2024: Book and Blog Goals

  1. These are awesome goals! I also want to read more of my backlist and share those reviews πŸ™‚ I always want to be better at planning and prepping posts but I’ve not had much success, lol. I hope you have fun in pursuit of these goals and good luck! πŸ˜ƒ

  2. One of the things (other than consistent posting) that has helped my views, is by visiting and commenting on other blogs. Most people will come back and comment, some will continue to come back often. I also post occasionally to Twitter and Instagram and people will pop over to see my post. Good luck with all your goals :0

  3. 20 books for Christmas! Your husband is a keeper!! If you try Instagram, make sure to let us know so we can follow you. I’ve been inactive on IG for a whole year, but am dipping my toes back in this year. Good luck on all your goals!

    Haze @ The Book Haze

  4. Great list of goals! I’m also working on posting more consistently this year, so I’m hoping we both are able to make good on that one πŸ€žπŸ˜‚

  5. We have a lot of similar goals, we can encourage each other through the year. I need to write this backlist of reviews that I have put off for years. I got more comfortable doing mini reviews last year and the year before, so I am focusing on those, too. Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks for the ideas Nicole! I’ve been brainstorming a few post ideas based on your suggestions.

  6. I’ve found that commenting on other blogs will bring visits to my site. I think it’s good to surf around and find bloggers who are new to me as well. Good luck with your goals!

  7. Ooh, I like the sound of more foodie posts and yes, Instagram can be so overwhelming. I’ve been on it for a few years and still feel like I know nothing. Still, it can be a great way to connect with others. Good luck with these!

  8. Good Luck with your goals, Pam. I think a lot of people have reading their own books and backlist books on their goal list today.

    1. I think it’s a common goal because we all have so many books we want to read. And new ones keep appearing in our lives.

  9. I need to read more of my own books, or just dump them, especially the nonfiction books I bought when I was interested in a topic and now the time is past for that information to be relevant. Happy New Year and good luck on your bookish goals. My 2024 Bookish Goals

  10. I’m impressed that you only have 150 books on your shelves. I have over 1000 – LOL! I DEFINITELY need to read more of my own books and get some of them (a lot of them) cleared out. Good luck to both of us!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  11. These all sound like great goals, Pam. I need to find a way to make more time to prep blog posts. I did so well the beginning of last year, but not so much this year so far. Good luck with your reading and blogging goals this year!

  12. A great set of goals. I need to make a dent in my TBR Shelves!!

    I have a Bookstagram account. It basically mirrors my blog post – but altered a bit to suit Bookstagram. It is a lot of work and I feel that the soul has gone.

    I would love to have more views and visits. I think that interaction with other Blogs is the best way, but I am also open to suggestions!!

    Have a great week and good luck with your goals.

    1. Thanks Emily! I’m curious about using Instagram because there are times something pops up that seems like it would be better suited for that than for a blog post. But I would definitely cross post between the two.

      1. I try to have fun with it 😁 the only downside is that to get your account seen you need to join ‘like’ groups where you like everyone’s pictures in that group (I’m in 4). Comments groups as well (although I’m not in any of those as I don’t have the time). I very rarely get anyone commenting on my posts because all their time is taken up commenting on the pictures in the groups that they are in – if that makes sense!!

        My account name is librarybookmum_budgettalesblog

        If you want to see what I mean by the crossover as well as the likes, but no comments 🀣

  13. Sounds like you have a plan for how to achieve these goals, which is brilliant! I’m with you on being smarter and bulk writing scheduled posts, I’ll be doing the same (hopefully) once life calms down a bit. Getting into the routine with TTT is definitely my first step! πŸ’•

    1. I’ve started the bulk writing with TTT posts. I’ve always roughed them out in advance, but in December I took the time and wrote the first few of 2024. It left me time to edit the posts if need be. But it also left me time to focus on other things.

  14. I am trying to read more books that I own this year as well! I’m looking forward to reading your craft blog posts πŸ™‚

  15. These are great goals! I love the idea of batch writing posts – I might just give that one a try this year so I don’t get overwhelmed myself. And I’m always trying to read more of my owned books. Lets hope for a great 2024 outcome for our bookish goals.

    1. So far, I’ve found it less stressful having a month’s worth of TTT posts written and scheduled. I hope to keep that going throughout the year.

  16. all your goals can easily be mine as well!! I had plans to write other food/creative/travel posts as well on my blog, but they kind of fell through the cracks.. Hopefully this year…fingers crossed for both of us..
    My post is here

  17. Sounds like you have some amazing (and fun!) goals in 2024, Pam. New graphics/design can be fun. I always anticipate doing this but then become nervous when I finally get started. πŸ˜‰ I’m spending nearly all of my energy/time on my website vs social media, so that’s definitely the space I’m trying to help thrive. πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for visiting my website on this list.

  18. I’m honestly not ready to be this far into 2024 yet. xD How? Why? I love your idea of a book a week. When put that way, it’s totally doable! I like your idea of planning and prepping posts, too. I try to do that, but I tend not to do it too far in advance, and that may be my problem. When I fall off, it’s sometimes weeks in a row if I’m approaching a deadline at work. I may need to steal that one from you for myself, as well. πŸ˜‰ Have a great 2024!

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