Happy April, y’all! We are a quarter of the way through 2024. I swear time just keeps marching by without me realizing it! Earlier this year I shared some goals for 2024 (here), and I thought I would take a some time and do a brief 1st quarter check-in. This is also a great time to adjust some goals if needed. So let’s get to my Goals for 2024: 1st Quarter Check-In

Goodreads Goal: 52
Through March, I have read 21 books. No, I’m not burning up the book world, but I’m still proud of where I am. Why? Because I hit a roadblock at the end of January, and I’ve been slowly working on making things easier.
Read More Owned Books
Of the 21 books I’ve read, 11 were ones that I had on my own shelves. No, I may not have read the physical copy I have, but I’m still counting it as a win, as the books can come off of my shelf. I’ve also had a couple of DNFs on my shelves. So, that’s a few more books off my physical TBR.
Write More Backlist Reviews
So far, in 2024, I have written eight book reviews. This could be better, as I have a pile of ARCs to read. But of those eight, half were backlist books! Or, at least, not ARCs. LOL! I’ll take it as a win all the same.
Write More Food Posts
I have published precisely one food post in 2024. I have a cookbook review I need to write. Also, I have several ideas I want to write, but I need to find the time/motivation to write them.
Write Craft/Creative Posts
This is another one where I have several ideas stewing, but I need the time and motivation to write them. But I did share one earlier this year.
Post More Consistently
The only posts I have consistently posted are my Top Ten Tuesday posts. Of course, I have also written monthly wrap-ups and TBR Shelf Clean-ups, but those come out on different days every month. I’ll be away for ten days in May and may not be able to post as consistently. But that’s where post-prep comes in handy!
More Time Planning/Prepping Posts
This is one goal I have continued to be successful with. I have been using downtime at home and work to brainstorm ideas for blog posts. That same downtime has also been used to research and pre-write posts. Then, on my days off, I’ll write a couple posts and schedule them for later in the month.
Update Graphics
While I haven’t updated my blog graphics, I have tried to be consistent with my post graphics. I’m working on creating my brand, and having similar post graphics helps. But maybe I’m wrong.
Try Instagram
I still need to try Instagram again. I did last summer but felt so overwhelmed that I deleted the app. Maybe I’ll give it a try over the summer.
Increase Views/Visits
Surprisingly, my blog traffic is up about 10% compared to the first quarter of last year. Of course, some of the increased traffic is caused by older posts getting attention. But three of my top ten for this year are posts that I wrote this year. So, I must be doing something right. I have been trying to use a variety of tags to increase the likelihood of hitting near the top of people’s searches.
I’m happy with how my goals for 2024 are progressing. How are your goals for 2024 progressing? Are there any you’ve had to change? Do you have any you’re struggling with?

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish lists, book reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.
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You’re doing great! 🙌
Great job, Pam. I have not done well with those “yearly goals” but that was what I expected. They’re more wishes. I have done well with book challenges though.