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Happy Tuesday, y’all! This week, Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl has given the choice of topic to Cathy at What Cathy Read Next and Lisa of Hopewell’s Public Library of Life. And what did they come up with? Books that involve food, but not cookbooks. Why not cookbooks? Oh, wait, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? Guess what? I didn’t have too much trouble creating a list of food-related books. Why? Because I love reading books that feature food. Who wants to see what foodies in books I’ve found?

Foodies in Books: Ten Books Featuring Food

All titles will take you to the book’s Goodreads page.

Now let’s go check out some foodies in books!

Carly Hale

  • Title: Up to No Gouda
  • Genre: Cozy Mystery
  • Release Date: January 2022

Maddy Montgomery

Tabitha Knight

Lila Macapagal 

Angel Tungaraza 

Donovan Dell

Nora Jansson & Henrik Eklund

  • Title: Time to Rise
  • Genre: Romance, Christmas
  • Release Date: November 2021 (in Swedish), September 2024 (in English)

Nina Lyon & Leo O’Donnell


Shireen Malik

And that’s ten foodies in books; technically, it’s more than ten, but it is ten books. Have you met any of these foodies before? Who are some other foodies you’ve met in books?

Foodies in Books: Ten Books Featuring Food

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish listsbook reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.

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27 thoughts on “Foodies in Books: Ten Books Featuring Food

  1. The covers for Arsenic and Adobo (also cute title for the genre!) and Time to Rise intrigue me. Makes me want to learn more about those. I think I’ve seen the former around but the latter is unfamiliar to me so it’s fun to have something new to look into. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  2. It’s been a long time since I participated in Top Ten Tuesdays and all of these posts in Foodies Read is giving my a nudge to check back in. Thanks

  3. Awesome list! I’ve got A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking on my TBR, and love Carly Hale. But I’ll definitely be checking out some of these cozy mysteries of yours!

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