Happy March, y’all! How was your February? Mine wasn’t too bad overall. A bit of chaos, but such is life at the moment. And March? I hope it’s less chaotic, but I’m not holding out hope for that given the current situation in the world, especially as our neighbor to the south is trying to bully the rest of the world, especially us and their neighbor to the south. But let’s focus on what we’re all here for, my February 2025 wrap-up and March plans.

February 2025  Wrap-Up & March Plans

February Reading Wrap-Up & March TBR

Let’s flashback to my January 2025 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I planned to read in January.

Books Read in February 2025

Punished by Ann-Helén Laestadius

The Perfect Rom-Com by Melissa Ferguson

The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger

Review: Would you punish someone who hurt you as a child?

For a full review, click here.

Review: The not-so-perfect rom-com.

For a full review, click here.

Review: Allow yourself to move forward or stay back.

How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin

The Day I Left You by Caroline Bishop

The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie

Review: Slow start, not sure I’ll continue the series.

Review: Love, loss, what-ifs!

For a full review, click here.

Review: I had suspicions but was never 100% certain.

Get Lost with You by Sophie Sullivan

Review: Small town, second chance romance.

For a full review, click here.

I’m pleased to say I read almost all of my February TBR. I started one book but didn’t quite finish it before the end of the month. Ah, that means I’ll have at least one book to read in March. But does it really count when I have less than 100 pages to read?

My favorite book for the month? That is hard to say. I enjoyed reading Punished, which is weird to say given the discussed topic. I also enjoyed reading The Day I Left You. Quite a few twists and turns left me turning the page for more.

I also had a DNF this month. I tried reading Matt Haig’s The Impossible Life and struggled to connect with the story. In many ways, it felt like someone was talking at me rather than talking to me. Does that make any sense? I’m also listening to Rivers of London, but that’s a struggle too. I’m not sure if it’s the narrator or the fact I’m reading a different mystery that I’m enjoying.

March TBR

I don’t have any ARCs to read for March, but I have one due in early April, so I figure March is a good time to get it read. There is also an outstanding ARC on my TBR from 2024 that I may try to squeeze in this month. Overall, my plan for March is to read some of the books on my Winter TBR, which you can find here.

February Blog Wrap-Up & March Plans

In February, I wrote and published 15 posts. For the most part, I stuck to my goals and plans for posting. I missed a food post at the end of the month because I wasn’t feeling inspired to write anything. Of those 15 posts, Favorite Historical Fiction Reads from 2024 was the most popular. My most popular post overall for February was Too Good To Go, But Is It Worth It?

My March plans are pretty similar to my February plans. There will be five reviews and four TTT posts. In addition to those nine posts, there will be a couple of tags, a check-in or two on my 100-Day Project, and hopefully a couple of food posts.

Personal Stuff

We’re still working on getting answers for our youngest one. But she’s been a trooper with everything, if a little bratty. But she is 17, so what can I expect? Work is still crazy and only going to get worse. That happens when someone is on leave more than they’re at work. And the customer decides they want to change processes that aren’t broken. But, they’re the customer and the one paying for all of these changes.

The last two weeks of February, I participated in a push-up challenge for mental health. Mine is still a struggle, but that’s another story. This challenge was raising awareness and funds for local mental health organizations. The challenge’s goal was to have participants do 2,000 push-ups over the two weeks. Each day there was a different fact, and a different target. The overall number of push-ups wasn’t a random choice, it is the number of people who commit suicide daily. Over my two weeks, I did not complete the 2,000 push-ups, but I did a respectable 1,700. No, I did not do traditional push-ups, as my body would have quit after the first two or three. I modified them, and used my kitchen counter while working on dinner.

That’s my February in a nutshell. How was your February? What was your favorite read? What are your plans for March?

February 2025  Wrap-Up & March Plans

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.

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3 thoughts on “February 2025 Wrap-Up & March Plans

  1. Sounds like you had a solid reading month in February! I totally get what you mean about struggling to connect with a book—sometimes the writing style just doesn’t click. Congrats on the push-up challenge, too! 1,700 is seriously impressive.

  2. On behalf of at least some of your neighbors to the south, I apologize for the antics of the person currently in charge. We (or at least some of us) aren’t thrilled with what’s going on, either.

    How to Solve Your Own Murder sure sounds like a fun title!

    Best of luck getting answers for your youngest.

    1. The title is what grabbed my attention. Sadly, I’m not sure I’ll continue with the series.

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