Happy March, Y’all! Am I the only one stuck wondering where the first two months of they year have gone? Normally, February feels like it last 60 days, and even with the extra day this year, it zoomed by. Don’t get me wrong, there were times that just dragged. But overall, it was over quickly! Maybe it has to do with the weird weather. We’ve had spring like weather for a couple of weeks. Now we’re all waiting for Mother Nature to remember what time of year it actually is. Enough of that, let’s check out my February 2024 wrap-up and what plans I have for March.

February Reading Wrap-Up & March TBR
Let’s flashback to my January 2024 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I had planned to read in February.
Guess how many of those I read! If you said zero, you are correct! I spent February reading books I wanted to read, and ones to help me want to read. Would you like to see what I actually read?
Books Read in February
This year I’m going to try something different with this part of my post. I’m going to give a one to two word review of the book. I wonder how that’s going to go. Only one way to find out!
Now let’s check out what I actually read in February 2024!
Of the five books I read in February, one was an ARC I was overdue to read. I was hesitant to read it, as the reviews are mixed. But I gave it ago, and I’m glad I did. As for reading The Betrayal of Anne Frank when I’m not in the best mindset was a bit of a surprise. No it wasn’t brain candy, but it was so interesting to learn how things actually were in the 1930s-1940s Netherlands. It was also probably my favorite read of the month. Though Assistant to the Villain is a close second, it’s such a fun read and I’m looking forward to reading more in the series.
March TBR
I have three ARCs to read this month. I’ve started one, and loving it. The other two are historical fiction, which is one of my favorite genres.
- Momma Cusses: A Field Guide to Responsive Parenting & Trying Not to Be the Reason Your Kid Needs Therapy by Gwenna Laithland
- To Slip the Bonds of Earth by Amanda Flower
- The Woman with No Name by Audrey Blake
February Blog Wrap-Up & March Goals
February wasn’t a great month of blogging for me. That said, I did publish eight posts. Those eight posts include four Top Ten Tuesday posts, and two reviews. The most popular post I published in February was Favorite Romances Read in 2023, which was a Top Ten Tuesday post for Valentine’s Day. The most popular post overall was Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter: Book Review, which was originally published in September 2021. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that there is a sequel due out later this year?
Honestly, I’m not sure what March holds for me blogging. I do know that I will be posting four Top Ten Tuesday posts. I hope to read and review the three ARCs I have for this month. Fingers crossed that I will finally have the time and energy to write some creative posts. I do have a few ideas in the works, so that helps. And I still have a cookbook to review, again the lack of time and energy to test recipes is impacting that prospect.
Personal Stuff
February was spent trying to fill my cup. As a wife and mother, I always seem to focus on other people’s needs and wants. My youngest is 16 now, and should be able to handle more things on her own. But that doesn’t always happen. Between my early mornings for work, and my husband’s random (while pretty stable) schedule we only see each other for 10-15 minutes over a 65-hour span. That makes it hard to communicate (other than texts). So for Valentine’s Day, I gave him a notebook that we can share to write each other notes about our thoughts and concerns over the days we don’t see each other. It’s been a great addition for us. Especially as the youngest has had some health issues of late, and we are starting to FINALLY get answers!
In March I’m hoping to continue working on filling my cup. I have made a few goals to help with that. I’m going to take a walk every day. Along with that, I am working on a couple of creative challenges for the month. One is a photography one for a group I’ve randomly participated in over the past few years. The other is a hand-lettering challenge. I’m planning on writing a post about the hand-lettering, as what I do isn’t the “traditional” form of hand-lettering.
That is my February 2024 wrap-up and March 2024 plans. How was your February? Did you read any good books? What are your plans for March?

Are you looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.
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February was a blur, wasn’t it? I know where I was and what I was doing (family stuff) but it doesn’t feel like it was a full month. I’m really interested in reading Assistant to the Villain! Maybe I’ll pick that one up this month for a fun unplanned read.
Assistant to the Villain is such a fun read Nicole, I hope you enjoy it. And I hope that March gives you a chance to catch your breath.
Thank you! Fingers crossed. 🙂
I am stunned thinking that we are now into the third month of the year. The first two zoomed by, especially February. What a great idea to use a notebook to share things that are going on in your lives when you are apart. I hope that this month is a good one for you Pam and that you enjoy whatever you pick up.
Glad to know that I’m not the only one who thought the year was zooming by. I hope you have a great March.
Thanks, Pam.