Happy Tuesday, y’all! This week, Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl gave us a freebie, but with a twist. How can you twist a freebie? She made it a relationship freebie. She is asking us to pick a relationship and characters to match. Who would we want to be friends with? Or date? Or have as part of our family? I’m different. How so? I decided to pick characters with jobs I would love to have!

Characters with jobs I would love to have

These characters have jobs I would love to have. I’m not saying I hate my job, but it’s not easy to explain what I do, as my job title says nothing about the actual job. Some of these jobs require higher levels of education, while others are almost luck-based. The titles will take you to the book’s Goodreads page.

Let’s check out the characters with jobs I would love to have!

Isadora Bentley-University Researcher

Shiloh Bellamy-Organic Farmer

  • Book: Farm to Trouble
  • Genre: Cozy Mystery
  • Release Date: February 2021

Tayla Murphy-Veterinarian

  • Book: Miss Matched
  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: June 2023

Ben Rosencrantz-Game Store Owner

Nina Redmond-Mobile Bookshop Owner

Tylene Wilson-High School English Teacher and Football Coach

Carly Hale-Grilled Cheese Restaurant Owner

Annie Cassidy-Screenwriter

Savannah Cade-Book Editor & Author

Serena Singh-Advertising

That’s ten characters with jobs I would love to have. What characters have jobs you’d love to have? What job do you have?

Characters with jobs I would love to have

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22 thoughts on “Characters With Jobs I Would Love to Have

  1. Sometimes I think marketing or advertising would be fun but then I remember today’s version of that requires lots of social media knowledge. 😉 A game store owner seems like it would be super fun! Thanks a bunch for visiting my list today.

  2. This is a great list! If I were doing this topic twist, I would probably fill it with entirely library-related jobs. I worked at a library once when I was younger, and only left because I couldn’t get enough hours. Part of me really wants to work at a library again.

    1. So many great looking books there. I wouldn’t like to have a couple of those jobs, but the books sound interesting 🤣

      Have a great week!

  3. You have some really good books on this list! I am currently reading The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley, and I am loving it! I really like how you interpreted this week’s task. Great take!

  4. This is such a fun post topic! I’ve done a similar post in the past, and enjoyed thinking about what kind of occupation I would want if I could do anything. I don’t know if I have it in me to be an organic farmer (those early mornings would kill me!), but I had to add Farm to Trouble to my TBR. And as always, I love that you included Carly Hale and her grilled cheese shop on the list – I’ve worked in a restaurant before and wouldn’t want to do it again, but I certainly wouldn’t mind visiting her restaurant and getting one of her grilled cheeses!

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