Happy Tuesday y’all! I’m sorry I missed you last week. We were on a short little vacation, and I didn’t have the opportunity to post anything. But I am back this week to share some more books with you. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is from Dedra over at A Book Wanderer. This week Dedra wants us to share books on previous seasonal TBRs that we still haven’t read. I decided to broaden that just a bit, as I try to keep my published TBRs to books I know I’ll read. So let’s check out some books I still need to read!

Books I Still Need to Read from Previous TBR

I have been blogging for just over 18 months. Before that, I never had a set TBR. I would grab whatever book caught my eye. Or, if I was unsure which to read, whichever book caught a family member’s eye from the books on my shelf. So I examined all of the TBRs I’ve posted since starting my blog, both monthly and seasonal, to come up with a list of books I still need to read. Titles link to Goodreads.

Autumn 2021 TBR Leftovers

Dreaming in Chocolate by Susan Bishop Crispell and All the Time in the World by Caroline Angell.

Winter 2022 TBR Leftovers

The House Girl by Tara Conklin and Knot the Usual Suspects by Molly MacRae.

Spring 2022 TBR Leftovers

All the Time in the World by Caroline Angell and Amanda’s Wedding by Jenny Colgan.

August 2021 TBR Leftovers

Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman

September 2021 TBR Leftovers

Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder and We’re All in This Together by Amy Jones.

March 2022 TBR Leftovers

The House Girl by Tara Conklin and Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie.

And that’s a list of books I still need to read from previous TBR! Have you read any of these? Are there any that I should skip? Or make a priority? What books do you still need to read from previous TBR?

Books I Still Need to Read From Previous TBR

Looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my monthly reading wrap-ups and bookish lists.

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33 thoughts on “Books I Still Need to Read from Previous TBR

  1. As a mood reader I’ve never really been one for TBRs but when I started blogging I did jump on the bandwagon because I thought it’d be fun. I never actually “completed” one of these lists before. You’ve done really well with yours thought!

  2. You have done well with your TBRs! These all look good and I hope you’re able to get to some of them soon!

  3. TBR’s were a new thing to me too when I started blogging. πŸ™‚ I’ve heard Yoder’s book is a little different… and I need to read Christie more!

  4. Wow, I haven’t heard of any of these, but they sound pretty interesting! I hope you get to read them soon and really enjoy them.

  5. If you’ve read all but a couple from each of those lists, you’re doing MUCH better than me! I just can’t keep up with my exploding list….being part of these Tuesdays just introduces me to too many books! πŸ™‚ thanks for the visit Pam
    Terrie @ Bookshelf JOurneys

  6. Molly MacRae’s Haunted Yarn Shop is one of my absolute favourite cozy series! I’ve been meaning to reread in lots of TBRs lol.

  7. A good mix of books there. I’ve not read any of these, but I have a number of Agatha Christie’s still to read on my shelf!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  8. I have had House Girl on my TBR shelf for awhile now, so thanks for the reminder. Dreaming in Chocolate and Amanda’s Wedding caught my eye. I wonder if it is because they have food on the cover? I hope you enjoy these when you get a chance to read them.

  9. You are doing very well. I see you’re like me, if you haven’t read a book, you just put it on your next list. And why not, do I always say. Happy Reading.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

  10. I don’t know any of these titles but I like title, Knot the usual suspects – cozy mysteries have such fun titles.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a lovely day.

  11. I definitely need to read more Agatha Christie as well. Good luck with your list πŸ™‚

  12. I don’t know anything about these books but I hope you enjoy them when you get to them! Night Bitch and We’re All in this Together have intriguing covers.

  13. You’ve done really well with your TBRs. The only one of these I’ve tried to read is House Girl and I ended up DNFing it. I usually like Conklin’s book so I just don’t think I was in the right head space to read it at the time.

  14. If you decide to read these still, I hope you enjoy them! Always seems to be a challenge to clear those TBRs, no matter the good intentions. πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week. Appreciate your visit – apologies it took me this long to visit here.

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