This week’s book tag is more of a series of bookish would you rather questions. I found a list over on Hidden in the Stacks that had around 100 WYR questions. And no, I did not use all 100 this week. I will probably go to the list multiple times to generate book tags.

Now to this week’s collection of Bookish Would You Rather questions.
Would you rather have a friend who loses your books or one who dog-ears them?
This one is pretty easy for me. I would rather my friend dog-ear the pages over losing the book. That said, if I give a book to a friend, odds are I don’t want it back. I’m not one to re-read books, so if I’m giving it to you, it’s not a big deal if I get it back. But I would rather you give it back to me than lose it.
Would you rather read a book where the page was missing or a book where the author doesn’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re?
Which page is missing? The first page or the last page? If it’s the first page, I don’t think it would be a big deal. If it’s the last page, I may be upset. Without the last page, I won’t know how the book ends. But, if an author doesn’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re, they should not be an author. Either that or they have a horrible editor!
Would you rather read a book that gave you a paper cut on every page or a book that had tiny tiny text?
Paper cuts don’t bother me, at least not right away. But if the book has super tiny text, I probably won’t read it. I have to take my glasses off when reading really old books to hold the book close to my face. That leads to headaches and makes the book less enjoyable. So I guess I’ll go with paper cuts!
Would you rather read only 1 book in a year and remember everything or read 100 books and remember nothing?
I already read more than 1 book a year but have yet made it to 100 a year. I also don’t remember everything about every book I read. Nor do I forget everything I’ve read. That’s why there are apps and websites readers can use to put notes about books they’ve read to help jog their memory. Honestly, I’ll go with 100 books and use Goodreads to help me keep track of what I’ve read (like I already do).
Would you rather secretly love a book everyone else hates or secretly hate a book everyone else loves?
Why do I have to be secretive about it? There are more than a few books that I love that others do not and vice versa. I don’t keep it a secret. I would rather have an open and honest discussion about a book instead of lying about my feelings.
Would you rather be stuck on a very long plane or train ride without a book?
I have already been on a long plane ride without a book. It wasn’t fun. Then again, I also had an infant with me, so reading was relatively impossible. I don’t remember if I had a book with me when I was on the train for a few hours. I probably did as I was traveling solo.
Would you rather have someone ruin the ending of a book for you or never finish a book you were reading?
Honestly, this depends on the book. I have started many books that I never finished. I have also had books spoiled for me, yet I still read the book and enjoyed it.
Would you rather have dinner with your favorite author or your favorite character?
Easy! My favorite author, though that is a bit hard to narrow down. Living author, probably have to say, Rick Riordan. I love how he writes and made Greek and Roman mythology more accessible (and understandable) for so many. The deceased author easily would be Agatha Christie. I want to know what really happened over those 10 days she was missing.
Would you rather have your favorite book turned into a movie or your favorite movie turned into a book?
I would love to see We Are Not Free and Firekeeper’s Daughter turned into movies. BUT only if they keep close to the source material. That would be pretty hard for We Are Not Free, what with the way the book is written. Firekeeper’s Daughter would translate pretty well to the big screen or even the small screen (looking at you, Netflix).
I think that’s enough bookish would you rather questions for this week. Like I said earlier, I found a list of more than 100 such questions. Maybe I’ll do another round of bookish would you rather questions at some point.

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