According to the calendar, I know it’s not quite autumn or fall, if that’s what you call it. But according to the temperature, it is so autumn. Add to the weather the fact that the kids are back in school. So in celebration of autumn being here, I am going to do an Autumn Tag that I found over at Emily The Book Nerd.

Hot Chocolate – what is your comfort book?
Is it weird that I don’t really have a comfort book? I have books that I’ve enjoyed reading that feel cozy. But I don’t tend to reread books. One of my recent reads that had a cozy feel was The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan.

Pumpkin Carving – what is your favorite creative outlet?
I tend to try almost anything at least once when it comes to creative activities. I try to bake once a week, but that doesn’t always happen. Something else I’ve been doing lately is photography.

Falling Leaves – changes that appear bad but you secretly love?
I’m not a huge fan of change. Other than seeing the leaves changing color in the autumn, the first snowfall of the season (but living in Canada, that season can start in October), and the flowers and trees blooming in the spring. New beginnings are a change that scares me but can also bring something exciting.
Pumpkin Spiced Latte – something you love that others tend to judge
It’s not that others tend to judge it, well, not outside of my household. But I love sports. I know that it sounds strange to say that about sports. For the most part, I’m the only person in my house who watches anything sports-related. My oldest daughter will watch the occasional baseball and football games with me. Otherwise, my husband and youngest daughter will let me be.
Bonfire Night – what makes you explode with joy?
Being able to cuddle with my husband. I’ve had people laugh at our relationship in the past because we always seem to need to touch each other. We’ve been married for 20 years, and we still hold hands when we go out together. We can be sitting at the dining table across from each other and have our feet touching. Our oldest daughter has told me that she hopes to find a relationship like ours. So we must be doing something right, right?

Fright Night – favorite scary book or film
I’m a fraidy-cat and don’t enjoy scary books or films. I think the scariest movie I’ve enjoyed watching is Corpse Bride.
Halloween candy – favorite candy to eat
Favorite candy to eat, that’s like naming my favorite book-hard to do. If my husband isn’t around, I’ll go with either a Hershey Bar with almonds or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. If he is around, I tend to go with a Mars bar. Why the difference? Because he is allergic to nuts, and I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.
If you’re talking just Halloween candy, I’ve got to go with candy corn. I know, I’m strange that way, but I love it! I was really upset last year because I couldn’t find it anywhere. I’ve already had some this year.

Scarves – your autumn ‘must-have’ accessory
Must-have accessory? It depends on what I’m doing or where I’m going. If I’m trying to be cute, it’s my knee-high boots and one of the many infinity scarves I have. If I’m hanging out or in the mood for comfy, it’s a hoodie.
Fire – a book or film that burns your soul
Honestly, I can’t think of a book or film that does this to me. That doesn’t mean there isn’t one, but I can’t think of one. Is that bad?
Toffee apples – a book or film that seems one thing but really has a different inside
This is easy-Serena Singh Flips the Script by Sonya Lalli. This book is advertised as a contemporary romance, but it’s not a traditional, contemporary romance. Serena is a woman who knows what she wants, and a husband and kids aren’t high on her list, much to her parents’ dismay. There is a hint at a romance, but it’s not what really happens in the book.

And that’s the end of the tag. Do we share any answers? If you complete the Autumn Tag, let me know. I would love to know your answers.

Check out my other Book Tags to learn even more about me and my reading preferences.
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Oh! This is cute. I might have to do it. Good repsonses.