Happy May y’all! How was your April? For me, the month was short yet long, with a sprinkle of emotion thrown in. As May arrives, the April showers are still hanging around, just enough that the allergies are flaring up.

April Reading Wrap-Up & May TBR
Let’s flashback to my March 2023 Wrap-Up for a glimpse at what I had planned to read in April.
- 500 Miles from You by Jenny Colgan
- The Coronation Year by Jennifer Robson (ARC)
- Mastering the Art of French Murder by Colleen Cambridge (ARC)
- The Little Bookshop of Lonely Hearts by Annie Darling (Buzzwordathon)
I finished three of the four books. I was trying to read the Buzzwordathon book I missed from March instead of the one for April, but I didn’t finish it. But I am enjoying it all the same.
Books Read in April 2023

500 Miles from You by Jenny Colgan | A Million to One by Adiba Jaigirdar

Coronation Year by Jennifer Robson (review) | Mastering the Art of French Murder by Colleen Cambridge (review)

The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton | The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson | Beaches, Bungalows, & Burglaries by Tonya Kappes
It’s hard to pick just one favorite for this month, as there were three that I truly enjoyed, as I rated them 4.5 out of 5. Those books were Coronation Year, The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise, and Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone. Three very different books, yet very enjoyable reads.
May 2023 TBR
May is a heavy one for me with ARCs, as I have four to read. There is also a challenge book I hope to squeeze in this month. The challenge I’m doing this year is Buzzwordathon from Kayla at Books and Lala. I’ll also add a book I started reading in April and hope to finish in the first week of May.
- Permanent Astonishment: A Memoir by Tomson Highway
- Late Bloomers by Deepa Varadarajan (ARC)
- Famous for a Living by Melissa Ferguson (ARC)
- Someone Else’s Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews (ARC)
- After Anne by Logan Steiner (ARC)
- Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manasala (Buzzwordathon)
Blogging Wrap-Up and Plans
April wasn’t as successful of a blogging month for me as I had planned. I have not done any Foodie Friday posts this year, and I hope to change that soon. I have a couple of cookbook reviews planned; I just need to write them. And I missed last week’s Top Ten Tuesday post.
In April, I wrote seven posts. That includes three Top Ten Tuesdays posts, two reviews, and one wrap-up. My most popular post written in April was Fewer Than 1000 Ratings: Recent Reads. The most viewed post in April was Ten Book Titles Starting with the Letter A, from September 2022.
I hope to post four reviews and five Top Ten Tuesday posts in May. There are a few others that I am hoping to get to as well. Let’s see if life will let me get them all written.
Life Wrap-Up and Plans
After a month of intensive physiotherapy, my knee is improving. There isn’t a lot that can be done with the arthritis. As for the torn meniscus, it will do what it will do. It just means I won’t be out running any marathons anytime soon.
May is a busy month in my household as we have Mother’s Day, my oldest daughter’s birthday, and our wedding anniversary. The way the dates line up this year, all three days are in the same week! The only saving grace is the holiday weekend at the end of it all.
That is my April 2023 wrap-up and May 2023 plans. How was your April? Did you read any good books? What are your plans for May?

Looking for some more ideas to read? Check out my other monthly reading wrap-ups.
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Looks like you had a good reading month and it’s great to hear your knee is doing better! I’ve got Tanner & Louise on my TBR so I’m excited to see it was one of your 5-star reads last month. I’m also looking forward to reading Arsenic and Adobo. I hope you enjoy it and have an awesome month of celebrating and reading in May!
Tanner & Louise is a fun read, I hope you enjoy it when you get to read it.