Happy Thursday, y’all! I was stumped for a book tag this week, so I headed to Google for help. Imagine my surprise when I came across a tag I hadn’t done from a blogging friend. So, of course, I have to do it! This Would You Rather Book Tag was found over at Leah’s Books. She was tagged by another blogging friend of mine, Dini from Dini Panda Reads. You should check out both of these fantastic blogs.

Would You Rather Book Tag

The Rules:

  • Answer the questions given to you by your nominator.
  • Make up your own question and tag others.
  • Sounds easy, right? Well, let’s see …

Would you rather have to read the last chapter of every new book first, or never read the last chapter?

Honestly? I think it would drive me crazy never to be able to read the last chapter. Don’t get me wrong, there are some books where the last chapter isn’t needed. But more often than not, the last chapter is necessary.

Would you rather have someone ruin the ending of a book for you or never finish a book you were reading?

Never finish a book? That wouldn’t be good. What would be the point of reading if I could never finish the book?

Would you rather lose your place or get a paper cut every time you read a book?

I lose my place all the time already, even when I use bookmarks. LOL! I used to have a job where I had new papercuts every day. It’s not fun, so no thanks!

Would you rather be friends with Hermione Granger or Matilda?

Hermione Granger reminds me of me when I was a kid. Well, other than the glow-up she gets. I’m still waiting for mine.

Would you rather wait five years for the final installment in a series or get it now, but must read every spoiler before you can start reading it?

I’m not a huge series reader. But if I had to wait five years for the final installment, I would probably walk away from the series. How is that for a non-answer?

Would you rather reread your least favorite book monthly or never be able to read your favorite book again?

I’m not a huge rereader. In the past few years, I’ve only reread one book from the past. I also don’t have a favorite book; I have books I like and think more people should read.

Would you rather read in an isolated cabin that was infested with spiders or in a noisy coffee shop with bad music?

Both work for me. Spiders don’t bother me. And the coffee shop? If the book I’m reading is good, I can generally tune everything out around me. I’ve read at work before, surrounded by people, a radio, and multiple loud vehicles.

Would you rather have the ability to read minds, but never be able to read another book or live as you are now and keep reading?

Who says I can’t read minds already? I mean, I am a wife and mother. LOL! But I don’t think I could live without books.

Would you rather read a novel based on a true story about someone you know or a fictional novel in which a character is based on you?

I’ve read fictional novels featuring real people and enjoyed several. Seeing how others would write me as a character could be fun.

Would you rather have a book in which anything you write becomes true or a book that contains all the knowledge in the universe?

Why wouldn’t I want a book that makes anything come true that I write in it? I would have to write small enough for the book to last a while.

Would you rather read a great book FULL of typos or a terrible book?

Thank you, Leah, for asking the nightmare of every reader! I have read my fair share of terrible books. I’ve gotten better at DNFing those terrible books. And I consider books full of typos to be terrible books. Why? Because basic editing software should handle the typos.

Now for my question: Would you rather read by a fireplace or on the beach?

I’m not a beach girly. So I guess that says it all!

Who’s Tagged?

Everyone reading this!

And that’s the Would You Rather Book Tag. What book did you recently finish reading? What book is next on your TBR? I would love to see your answers if you complete the Would You Rather Book Tag.

Would You Rather Book Tag

Check out my other Book Tags to learn more about me.

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