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Happy October, y’all! We are three-quarters of the way through 2024. I swear time keeps going by without me realizing it. Earlier this year, I shared some goals for 2024; you can find them here. This is my third check-in towards those goals. You can see the first two here and here. So, let’s check out my goals for 2024 3rd quarter check-in.

Goals for 2024: 3rd Quarter Check-In

Goodreads Goal: 52

I have read 67 books so far this year, so I guess this goal has been met and surpassed. Last year, I managed to double my goal, but that’s not something I’m working toward this year.

Read More Owned Books

Of the 67 books I’ve read this year, 21 were ones I own. I may not have read my physical copy, but I’m still counting it as a win, as the books can come off my shelf. I’ve also had a couple of DNFs on my shelves. So, that’s a few more books off my physical TBR.

Write More Backlist Reviews

Of the 20 reviews I’ve written, six were not for ARCs. It could be better, but I have a pile of ARCs to read. LOL! I’ll take it as a win all the same.

Write More Food Posts

Nine months into the year, and I have written six food posts! Ahhhhhhh! Help! I need ideas for easy posts to put together. Do you have any ideas?

Write Craft/Creative Posts

I’m still sitting at only one creative post this year. *hangs my head* What is wrong with me? Maybe it’s because my creative juices aren’t flowing like I had hoped.

Post More Consistently

Top Ten Tuesday posts are probably the only things I’ve consistently done! Well, those and monthly wrap-ups. I’ve also been pretty consistent about my TBR shelf clean-ups. My reviews have been a different story. I’m not hating on my two to three of those a month, but I would love to write more.

More Time Planning/Prepping Posts

This is one goal I have continued to be successful with. I have been using downtime at home and work to brainstorm ideas for blog posts. That same downtime has also been used to research and pre-write posts. Then, on my days off, I’ll write a couple posts and schedule them for later in the month. This goal has been beneficial as I’m working on a blogging project for December.

Update Graphics

While my blog graphics are slowly getting better, they aren’t great. I went through it this year and spent time updating links and images. I believe everything available has now been updated. Sadly, I did have to pull down several posts, most notably my gift guides from the past. I’ll have to brainstorm more ideas for those this year and find a better way to present them.

Try Instagram

Yay, I’ve been successful with this goal. I set up an Instagram account and have slowly been posting. If you want to follow me, my username is readbakecreate. I’m still working out how to use it, but I’ve enjoyed Instagram.

Increase Views/Visits

My year-to-date totals at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2023 were pretty impressive.


My year-to-date totals at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2024 are pretty good, too.


While my numbers are slightly lower this year, I’m still happy with the progress. I feel more connected to my visitors this year.

I’m happy with how my goals for 2024 are progressing. How are your goals for 2024 progressing? Are there any you’ve had to change? Do you have any you’re struggling with?

Goals for 2024: 3rd Quarter Check-In

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish listsbook reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.

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28 thoughts on “Goals for 2024: 3rd Quarter Check-In

  1. Congrats on all your success! 🙌 I don’t know how you read and blog and have a career! I had to wait til I retired!
    Re cooking/recipes…I’d love a post of some ideas for easy, yummy vegetarian meals! My cousin and aunt are visiting in Nov. and I need some ideas if you have any!
    I’m heading over to IG to give you a follow. I’ve neglected it lately!

    1. Carol,
      I’m fortunate to have a job with downtime that allows me to plan blog posts. And occassional weekend shifts with no real work, so I either read or blog. Why not get paid to do what I enjoy doing?

    1. I think we can do that Deb. I have so many ideas, but my creative mojo left me a few years ago. I’m hoping to find it again, I miss it.


  2. Progress is progress, no matter how little you feel you’ve made. You’ve done a great job keeping up with all these goals and tracking them too! 😄 I hope you continue to find much success as the year continues (honestly can’t believe we’re already into Q4)!

  3. A great list! I do all my posts on my phone the night before whilst I’m waiting for the kids to fall asleep. That is a fantastic amount of visitors! Numbers that I can only dream of!

    Maybe for food related posts you could do themed foods – Halloween inspired for Spooky Season?

    Off to check out your Instagram now!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. I think you’re doing great considering you are also working. I didn’t start blogging and seriously reading until I retired, Pam.

  5. These goals are fantastic! Congrats on all the goals you’ve already achieved this year. One of my goals this year has been to read books I already have. Half of my monthly reading each month this year has been books I already own, so I guess I’m hitting that goal.

  6. Also, great job on your reading goals!

    I just checked your food posts and I see what you mean! I love the one you did about food-related careers!

    A couple of ideas: movies/films that feature food/chefs (Bear, Julie & Julia, etc) and how realistic you think they are, book to movie comparisons (Julie & Julia, Chocolat), critiqueing food reality tv shows episode by episode. Not sure if they’ll fit what you want, but just throwing them out there!


    1. These are all great ideas. My husband works at a grocery store, and they are getting a bunch of new to us snacks in, and he suggested I give them a try and write posts about my thoughts and opinions on them. I may do that in Instagram though, as that feels like the right space for that idea.


  7. Great work on your goals! One thing that helps me–I think this is what you are saying you do–is to open a post when I think of the topic and get it going. I often have TTTs started weeks in advance. Like doing 15 minutes of housework [supposedly lol] helps you keep up with your house [do people really ‘keep up’ with their house? lol] it gets blogging done without stress–or with much less stress.

    1. I have a bunch of posts written, and scheduled to go up between now and the end of the year. I tend to use my down time, especially at work, to plan posts, especially for TTT. That when I sit down in front of my computer the hard work is done.


  8. Top Ten Tuesday posts are the ones I do most consistently as well. They’re also the ones that bring the most views to my blog, so it makes sense to concentrate on those.

    Good job reading your own books! I also made a goal to do that and I’ve done pretty well with it. The problem is the ones I clear off my shelves just keep getting replaced with new ones…LOL

    Happy TTT!


  9. Go you with those reading goals! That looks impressive to me. 🙂

    I’m doing a lot of “behind the scenes” blog stuff right now and it’s boring and time consuming but I’m HOPING it results in good things like better viewing (eventually), discovery and load time. Time will tell. I’ve worked hard for about a year to “plan” things so I always know what to publish/post on what day, and though I never thought I needed this, I’m shocked to discover it is actually super helpful. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my Top Ten list this week.

    1. Earlier this year I went through and updated links and images on a bunch of posts. It took a while, but it was relief when I was finished. I’ve been working this year on planning and scheduling posts. The majority of TTT posts are easy to do that with, and that takes a load off. I feel less stressed about it.


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