Happy Tuesday, y’all! This Tuesday, Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl is asking us to share books we were super excited to get our hands on but still haven’t read. Honestly, that could be every book on my physical TBR, and that list is way over ten. Instead, I’m going to focus on my anticipated releases. I will share nine books I was excited to read, yet they’re still unread.

Books I was Excited to Read Yet They're Still Unread

The books I list on my anticipated release lists are books that interest me and are written by authors with Canadian connections. While I’m not a Canadian citizen, I am a resident. And I love sharing authors I’m sure don’t have a lot of recognition outside of Canada. I’ve read several of the books I’ve included on these lists, but there are a few that I have not read.

The headings link to the original posts, and all titles link to the book’s Goodreads page.

Now, let’s look at nine books I was excited to read, yet they’re still unread!

Spring 2022 Anticipated Releases

Late 2022 Anticipated Releases

Early 2023 Anticipated Releases

Late 2023 Anticipated Releases

That’s nine books that I was excited to read but haven’t yet. Are there any here that you’ve read and think I should prioritize? What books were you excited to read but haven’t yet?

Books I was Excited to Read Yet They're Still Unread

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish lists, reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.

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22 thoughts on “Books I Was Excited To Read Yet They’re Still Unread

  1. I haven’t read any of these but hope you enjoy them if you do get to them. I have had a copy of Wolf Den since last November and I am determined to get to it in the next month or so!

  2. I actually still have the previous book in that S.K. Ali series on my TBR even though I was SO excited to get my hands on a copy after hearing amazing things about it 😂 Meet Me in Mumbai also looks amazing. I hope you enjoy these whenever you get to them!

    1. I haven’t read anything by S.K. Ali yet, but I’ve heard good things about their books. I hope we both enjoy reading them when we get the chance.


    1. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed reading Sunshine Nails. It was on the long list for Canada Reads 2024, which means it’s getting a bit more attention here.


  3. I’ve never heard of Bookworm but based on that title I may need to look that one up. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

    1. I haven’t read anything by Ashley Audrain yet, but I have heard good things about their books. I hope we both enjoy giving them a read.

  4. I’ve not read them, but there are some great covers there!

    I hope that you enjoy them when you get to them!

    Have a great week!

  5. I love how you organized them by when they were released! The only one of these that I’ve read so far was The Whispers, and I enjoyed that one. Hopefully you’ll get to all of these soon and love them!

  6. And now I find myself, despite the books that await me at home, despite my stack of ten or more books from the library, I find myself going to my library website to look for Bookworm. Sigh!

  7. Love from Mecca to Medina has such a gorgeous cover! I remember an SK Ali book being pretty popular a few years back, but I haven’t read any of their books yet.

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