Happy Tuesday y’all! This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is Online Resources for Readers. I decided to share 5 of my favorite BookTube Creators. For those of you who don’t know, BookTube is YouTube, but with book-related content. The videos may consist of book hauls, book reviews, and book recommendations.

5 BookTube Creators to Check Out


The first BookTuber I started following is jessethereader. Jesse’s videos manage to make me smile every time. He reads a little bit of everything, but mostly YA fantasy and contemporary. Jesse’s videos vary from book hauls and unboxings to reacting to memes and videos.

Hailey in Bookland

Hailey in Bookland is a Canadian-based BookTuber. She posts a variety of videos, but mainly book hauls and reading suggestions. Hailey also does brief book reviews. She focuses primarily on YA fantasy, historical fiction, and romance.

Chelsea Palmer

Chelsea has a small YouTube channel and splits her focus on books and Diamond Painting. She loves sharing her pets, including a dog, multiple cats, goats, and a miniature horse. Chelsea’s reading tastes lately seem to be romance, especially indie authors.

Noelle Gallagher

Noelle is a university student (she’s working on her Masters’ degree) and lives in the Bay Area of California. Her videos are typically vlogs, TBR, and monthly wrap-ups. She reads just about anything.


Kayla is another Canadian BookTuber. She has a variety of videos that she posts: book hauls, TBR, monthly wrap-ups and mini-reviews, reading vlogs, and product reviews. Kayla’s reading tastes vary with the season, but she enjoys the strange and unusual all year long.

Some other BookTube Creators I recently started watching:

And those are my five favorite BookTube Creators and a few bonus creators. Have you watched any of their videos? Are there any that you would suggest I check out?

5 BookTube Creators to Check Out

Looking for some ideas to read? Check out my monthly reading wrap-ups.

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27 thoughts on “5 BookTube Creators Worthy of Checking Out

  1. I only rarely watch any BookTube videos (usually only when I’m participating in a reading challenge where the announcement is on BookTube) but yikes, there’s so much effort that goes into creating the videos! I’m always so impressed by them.

  2. I love Jessethereader, he’s one of the first booktubers I discovered too! I need to check out booktube more often again, I miss it and it always makes me feel super excited about reading, which is fun πŸ™‚

  3. I love finding a good Booktuber but honestly making time to watch them is my problem lol! Thanks for sharing these, I’m gonna bookmark ’em.

    1. Just when I submitted my comment, I saw yours. We have almost written the same. Why am I not surprised? And I totally agree with your comment about book promotion.

  4. What an interesting twist. I’m not a big YouTube watcher, so I haven’t heard of any of them. I will check some out, though. Thanks, Pam.

    And thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  5. Noelle was one of the first booktubers that I followed and I love her videos! I could honestly listen to her talking all day 😍 She has such a wonderful and uplifting presence/energy and I’m totally here for it! I’ve heard a lot about BooksandLaLa but still haven’t checked out her videosβ€”will definitely have to give her a try soon! Great list πŸ™‚

  6. Interesting! Glad you’ve found fun people to follow! I honestly never go to YouTube for book content, and I probably never will, but it’s nice to hear that it’s yet another way for people to connect over books.

  7. This is such a fun topic to focus on! I don’t follow any BookTubers mainly because I don’t watch a ton of YouTube as it is. But they’re always so fun. I might have to give a few of them a chance. πŸ™‚

  8. I used to watch Hailey’s videos all the time. She’s got fun content and is mostly an upbeat channel full of all the fun bookish talk. πŸ™‚ Fun way to feature some video book content. Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week! I appreciate it.

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