Happy Saturday, y’all! Did you know that tomorrow, February 23, the 100-Day Project starts for 2025? What is the 100-Day Project? Simply put, it’s a challenge to start doing something every day for 100 days. The original focus of this challenge was to do something creatively, but as time has passed, many people have started doing the challenge to achieve other goals. Who wants to see my 2025 plans for the 100-Day Project?

2025 Plans for The 100-Day Project

The point of the 100-day project is to start doing something. There should be no pressure to complete anything. Some people set aside 10 minutes daily to do something, whether reading, writing, drawing, or painting. Others have a large project they want to work on and use the challenge to work on it. You can find the newsletter for #The100DayProject here.

It’s better to start a small project, something you can do for at least 10 minutes a day. But don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day. Just double up the next day. There are no rules for this challenge. And that’s the beautiful part of it all.

So, who wants to see my 2025 plans for the 100-Day Project?

Plans for the Next 100 Days

I used to enjoy hand lettering, though I haven’t done any serious projects in a few years. As such, I’ve fallen out of practice. How does this impact my plans for the next 100 days? Well, it’s shaped my entire plans. In other words, I will be spending time doing some hand lettering.

Days 1-26: Write each alphabet letter in different fonts.

Days 27-53: Creating a Drop Cap for each letter.

Day 54-75: Write short words in different fonts, i.e., the, not, now, for, of, and.

Day 76-100: Write longer words.

Samples of My Previous Lettering Projects

While I created one project of my own, many projects I worked on were based on challenges others had faced. The images below are my work based on the prompts from these challenges.

Movie Based Challenge

World Capitals

Music Lyrics


Several of these projects took an hour or more to complete. While I don’t have the time for that, I would love to get back into doing hand lettering.

What are your 2025 plans for the 100-Day Project? Are you planning to participate? I’ll try to share my progress on my Instagram page throughout the project. You can find me on Instagram at @readbakecreate.

2025 Plans for The 100-Day Project

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