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We are officially halfway through 2024. How has the time gone by so quickly? Please tell me I’m not the only one wondering where the year has gone! Today, I am sharing my 2024 Mid-Year Wrap-Up. What does that mean? I’ll give an overview of reading for the year thus far. It’s also a check-in for any goals or challenges I set in January.

2024 Mid-Year Wrap-Up & Goals Check-In

I discussed all of my goals for 2024 back in January, and you can find that post here. Then, in April, I did a first-quarter check-in, which you can read here.

Now, let’s get to my 2024 mid-year wrap-up!

Reading Stats

First up is a quick look at my reading stats in 2024.

No. of Books ReadTotal Pages ReadAvg. Pages ReadNo. of AudioNo. of DNF

Goodreads Goal: 52

Through June, I have read 43 books. At this point last year, I had already met my yearly goal, but I’m happy with where I’m at. Audiobooks have helped; there’s no denying that, and they all still count towards my goal.

Read More Owned Books

Of the 44 books I’ve read, 16 were ones that I own. I may not have read my physical copy, but I’m still counting it as a win, as the books can come off my shelf. I’ve also had a couple of DNFs on my shelves. So, that’s a few more books off my physical TBR.

Write More Backlist Reviews

This year, I have written 12 book reviews. Of those 12, five were not ARCs. This could be better, as I have a pile of ARCs to read. LOL! I’ll take it as a win all the same. I have a pile of backlist ARCs to get through, but they’re all heavy reads, and my brain wants light, fluffy candy!

Write More Food Posts

Six months into the year, and I have written three food posts! Ahhhhhhh! Help! I need ideas for easy posts to put together. Do you have any ideas?

Write Craft/Creative Posts

I’m still sitting at only one creative post this year. *hangs my head* What is wrong with me? Maybe it’s because my creative juices just aren’t flowing like I had hoped.

Post More Consistently

Top Ten Tuesday posts are probably the only things I’ve consistently done! Well, those and monthly wrap-ups. I’ve also been pretty consistent about my TBR shelf clean-ups. My reviews have been a different story. I’m not hating on my two to three of those a month.

More Time Planning/Prepping Posts

This is one goal I have continued to be successful with. I have been using downtime at home and work to brainstorm ideas for blog posts. That same downtime has also been used to research and pre-write posts. Then, on my days off, I’ll write a couple posts and schedule them for later in the month.

Update Graphics

While my blog graphics are slowly getting better, they aren’t great. I went through it this year and spent time updating links and images. I believe everything available has now been updated. Sadly, I did have to pull down several posts, most notably my gift guides from the past. I’ll have to brainstorm more ideas for those this year and find a better way to present them.

Try Instagram

I hope to work on this goal over the next month or so. Maybe that’s where I can share some food and creative ideas.

Increase Views/Visits

The app I use to track my blog stats and I are having a disagreement this year! They are trying to tell me that I am no longer eligible to use the free version because I am trying to sell stuff on my site. I keep disputing it, but I am not getting anywhere. Randomly, I’ll have access to all my stats, but the next time I look, they are under lock and key. Grrrr! I might consider paying, but the price changes every time I look at what they offer.

That’s my 2024 mid-year wrap-up. I’m happy with how my goals for 2024 are progressing. How are your goals for 2024 progressing? Are there any you’ve had to change? Do you have any you’re struggling with?

2024 Mid-Year Wrap-Up & Goals Check-In

Are you looking for some more books to read? Check out my other bookish listsbook reviews, and monthly reading wrap-ups.

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5 thoughts on “2024 Mid-Year Wrap-Up & Goals Check-In

  1. I always like these posts! Maybe you already do this, but this helps me with posting. When I start a book I open the post for the review. I add notes as I go along. Because I’m not an expert at WordPress, when I sit down to write the post I simply dump everything into a word doc while I write the post. I open posts also when I have an idea–like when I make a great recipe that I may want to post. It helps me.

  2. Some of these things I really struggle with too, I keep wanting to post more to instagram it just takes so much energy that I reserve for blogging, reading, homeschooling, and spending time with my kids.
    I do post all kinds of things, but I usually go back to movies and books instead of the other things my blog includes.
    Graphics are hard, I made all my own stuff and honestly I don’t care for what I’ve done. and getting traffic is also super hard.
    What’s been your favorite book of the year so far? Favorite thing you’ve cooked or made?

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

  3. Being that close to your reading goal and only half way through the year is an incredible accomplishment. I love audiobooks. They are so great when you need to multitask and can’t sit down with a physical book in hand. I hope the second half of the year treats you well!

  4. While sometimes I feel sad for DNFing a book (if it was one I really wanted to enjoy), I do always appreciate that it gets the book off my TBR! It’s great that you were able to do that with some of your DNFs, too.

    I look forward to your upcoming food content! And thanks for the reminder that I had been wanting to include more food content on my blog, too. I am backlogged on cookbooks I own that I want to try recipes from.

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