Happy Tuesday y’all! This week’s TTT post from Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl is all about us talking about books we’ve read and enjoyed but never mentioned on our blog. Honestly, that post could probably be closer to 50 than 10. And I decided I should share a secret with y’all instead. I’m going to list the 10 Book Series I Probably Won’t Read!

Some of these series may surprise people, but they have never piqued my interest, even with all of the hype they have received. Quite a few have even been adapted to the screen, both large and small. Maybe all of this attention is why I’m not interested in reading any of these. So without further ado, may I present to you 10 Book Series I Probably Won’t Read!
Series 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Genre: Dystopian/YA
- Release Date of 1st Book: September 2008
- Number of Books in Series: 3 plus one prequel
After reading about the boy wizard, a few people recommended this book to me. But I just wasn’t interested. And though the movies have been wildly popular, I have only seen 5-10 minutes total.
Series 2: The Twlight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
- Genre: Paranormal/YA
- Release Date of 1st Book: September 2005
- Number of Books in Series: 6 including add-ons, with the potential for more
Sparkling vampires? Seriously? No thanks!
Series 3: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
- Genre: YA/Fantasy
- Release Date of 1st Book: May 2015
- Number of Books in Series: 4 currently, with 2 more in the works and a couple of novellas
I am not a fan of fantasy, and I really didn’t know of this series’s existence until 2020.
Series 4: Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
- Genre: YA/Dystopian
- Release Date of 1st Book: April 2011
- Number of Books in Series: 3 plus several novellas
Much like fantasy, I’m not a fan of dystopian books either.
Series 5: Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo
- Genre: YA/Fantasy
- Release Date of 1st Book: June 2012
- Number of Books in Series: 3 in the initial trilogy, but the whole Grishaverse is close to 10 books.
This is another series I didn’t know existed until 2020.
Series 6: The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
- Genre: YA/Paranormal/Fantasy
- Release Date of 1st Book: March 2007
- Number of Books in Series: 6 in this series, with a prequel series and a sequel series
It just seems like there is too much happening in this series with paranormal and fantasy.
Series 7: Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon
- Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
- Release Date of 1st Book: June 1991
- Number of Books in Series: 9, with a few novellas
Have you seen the size of these books? The average length of a book is 951 pages!
Series 8: A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George R. R. Martin
- Genre: Historical Fiction/Epic Fantasy
- Release Date of 1st Book: August 1996
- Number of Books in Series: 7, for now
This is a combo of fantasy and the size of the books! Both are enough to steer me away from the books.
Series 9: The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
- Genre: High Fantasy
- Release Date of 1st Book: July 1954
- Number of Books in Series: 3, plus The Hobbit
I have no desire to read the books that started the fantasy genre.
Series 10: Fifty Shades Series by E. L. James
- Genre: Romance/Erotica
- Release Date of 1st Book: May 2011
- Number of Books in Series: 3, plus another 3 from the other perspective
I have nothing against the genre, but I have no desire to read these books or watch the movies.
And that is 10 Book Series I Probably Won’t Read! Have you read any of these? Should I give any of them a try? Are there any series you won’t read? Let me know in the comments below!

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Good for you for knowing your limits!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-enjoyed-but-have-never-mentioned-on-my-blog/
I read the first book in the Divergent series, and liked it, but never finished the series. And I was sorry I finished the Hunger Games series because the last book was so disappointing. Fun twist on this week’s TTT! 🙂
I was skeptical of Hunger Games but I enjoyed the series more than I expected! I binged the 3 books in one week! First 2 were the best. I also read the first 2 of Divergent. I DNF book one of Outlander….not because of length but because of condoned violence toward women. And Shades of Gray…ick…..no thanks!
I’ve read (or attempted) about half of these, and the rest are on my “not going to try” list also. I 100% agree with Carol on the reason for DNFing Outlander—I couldn’t finish reading book one of that series, either. Actually… most of what Carol said is exactly my experience, too. Though I did read and love The Lord of the Rings, and it’s the only one of the series on your list that I have any likelihood of ever reading again.
Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier!
I enjoyed the HG series and LOTR. I read most of the Twilight series back in the day (it was okay) and a lot of The Mortal Instruments (which I liked). I also liked OUTLANDER when I read it, although I never continued on with the series. The rest of the ones you mention I have no interest in either.
Happy TTT!
LOL, this could be a very controversial post! I had the exact same thought you had with Twilight. A friend had gifted me a copy when we lived overseas and I just KNEW she was going to ask me about it when we moved back so I *finally* made myself read it. I LOVED it, not my genre, trope etc. It was incredibly well-written and so clean! I ended up devouring the whole series. I also read and enjoyed the Divergent series, but again, not my genre or usual interest. The rest of them I have no plans to read or comments about, LOL! https://cindysbookcorner.blogspot.com/2022/03/top-ten-tuesday-books-ive-never.html
Are we sisters? Lol. My kid had to waste a SEMESTER of high school English reading Hunger Games in class–all three books. Yeah. She’s 26 now and is reading Shades of Gray (I’m amazed she’s even reading so that’s good, right?) I made it through the first Outlander to please a bff. I nearly took out an Orkin man on the highway when I swerved at a forced sex scene in the morning rush hour (audio book)! No more for me on that one!
The only one of these that I have read from start to finish is The Hunger Games. Honestly, I think enough time has passed for a lot of these that you kind of know from what other people have said whether you would like any of these.
Fifty Shades is one I’ll never read either.
Good twist on the prompt! I agree with you about some- Fifty Shades, Twilight, and A Game of Thrones (though some of my relatives have read these). I did read the Hunger Games as a buddy read with my eldest and it was actually pretty good. Its message, said the author, was anti-war and violence but she chose to bring her message from the opposite side.
Fun list!
I read and mostly enjoyed The Hunger Games series (Fun fact–I’ve visited District 12 from the movies. It was filmed about 10 minutes from my friend’s house). I would like to finish reading A Song of Ice and Fire but the author is not in a hurry to finish writing it. I’ve started Twilight, Mortal Instruments, Outlander, and LOTR but don’t really plan to finish any of those series. I’m not interested in starting the rest of them.